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Your questions, answered.
Why is my video playback buffering?Videos a little slow? Check for debug tips.
Does LemonadeLXP Support 'Pseudonymized Data'?Important information for EU customers
FAQ for the LemonadeLXP Referral Program
FAQ - Playing GamesFrequently asked questions about Steps and Courses!
FAQ - Demo Game IssuesIf the Demo game is giving you problems, the solution may be found here!
FAQ - Missing RewardsWhere did your Happy Clients go? Let's find out together!
FAQ - Colleagues and RankingsFrequently asked questions about colleagues and rankings!
FAQ - Admin Access IssuesIf the admin portal isn't acting the way you expected, we may already have some answers.
FAQ - Clearing up CertificationsBreaking down the finer details of Certifications
FAQ - Course CreationFrequently asked questions about creating Courses
FAQ - Saving and Publishing CoursesCommon issues when saving and publishing courses!
FAQ - Saving ProblemsUnable to save? Let's figure it out