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FAQ - Playing Games

Frequently asked questions about Steps and Courses!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Here you'll find a collection of game-related questions (and answers!) that tend to pop up frequently from your fellow learners.

"Where are the reference materials? How am I supposed to know the answers to the games without them?"

In this game-based learning platform, the reference material IS the game! 

Most of the Steps are designed to teach as you play, with feedback to guide you as you learn with each replay. If you don't know the answer, do your best to gauge what it might be - even if you don't get it, you'll learn what it is for the next time you play the game. That's how you learn!

It's definitely a big change from the "traditional" read-material-first-test-memory-later approach - there's nothing typical about it, and that's intentional!

"I don't know how to play the game types, where are the instructions?"

You'll find an explanation of how to play a Step's type in two spots!

The first is found on the Step's own page, before you go into the game. Here you'll see a short-but-sweet explanation of what kind of game it is:

Polygraph Step Page with Play Instructions Highlighted

When you select "Play," you'll find expanded instructions underneath the Step's description on the game page. This will go over how to play the game:

Polygraph game screen how to play step highlighted

"Why does it keep going back to the same game's page when I have completed it?"

"Shouldn't I be brought back to the Course page when I've finished playing a Step?"

Each of the buttons at the end of a competed training game will bring you to a different page. If you don't want to go to the Step's page after completing it, choose another option that works for you!

"I finished a Step but no buttons appeared... What do I do?"

Try these in order and see if any of them work for you:

  • use the "back to Courses" arrow (top left-hand corner)

  • refresh the page to see if it reloads

Note: you may have to replay the game to save your score.

Link requires you to:

  • visit an external source (web page, document, etc.)

  • read or view the material

Link Listener requires you to:

  • visit an external source (web page, document, etc.)

  • complete specific actions on these external sources (e.g. completing a tutorial; completing a demonstration)

To complete a Link Listener Step you must finish everything, as it's given to you, until the end is triggered and you're automatically returned to LemonadeLXP. This signals a successful completion and you will receive a credit for it!

"I'm having some trouble with the Demo Step, where can I get some answers?"

We have our very own Demo FAQ dedicated to all things Demo-related!

"What would cause Courses to not be available for new learners?"

If a new learner is not a member of the Group the Course is assigned to, they cannot access it.

An administrator can add a learner to the Groups they should be in, or learners can add themselves to their Groups through their profile page (when enabled). Once registered Groups have been confirmed, refresh your browser and check again!

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