What’s the difference between a Step and a Course?
individual training games
each focuses on one particular part of a subject
the games your learners will play
one piece of the whole learning "cake"
collections of Steps
collectively focuses on a particular subject
where learners find games to play
the entire learning "cake"
How long should my Course be?
keep your Courses between 5 and 10 Steps long
review and break down Course topics even further if more than 10 Steps
keep Courses specific (but not so specific you end up with hundreds of them)
How should I split up my content?
consider what learners will likely search for
group content together in a logical way (e.g. good "Cat Care" Course = "Brushing Fur," Clipping Claws" Steps; bad "Cat Care" Course = "Choosing Your Cat," "How They Purr")
balance being specific with reasonable content amount (e.g. "How to Identify Colours" Course instead of several Courses on how to identify each individual colour)
Can I enforce the order of Steps within a Course?
For Courses where you want learners to play the Steps in a specific order, simply check the following box in the Course Wizard:
Doing so will force the learner to start with the top-most graded Step in the Course. Each subsequent Step will unlock once they've played it.