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FAQ - Course Creation
FAQ - Course Creation

Frequently asked questions about creating Courses

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

What’s the difference between a Step and a Course?

  • individual training games

  • each focuses on one particular part of a subject

  • the games your learners will play

  • one piece of the whole learning "cake"

  • collections of Steps

  • collectively focuses on a particular subject

  • where learners find games to play

  • the entire learning "cake"

How long should my Course be?

  • keep your Courses between 5 and 10 Steps long

  • review and break down Course topics even further if more than 10 Steps 

  • keep Courses specific (but not so specific you end up with hundreds of them)

How should I split up my content? 

  • consider what learners will likely search for

  • group content together in a logical way (e.g. good "Cat Care" Course = "Brushing Fur," Clipping Claws" Steps; bad "Cat Care" Course = "Choosing Your Cat," "How They Purr")

  • balance being specific with reasonable content amount (e.g. "How to Identify Colours" Course instead of several Courses on how to identify each individual colour)

Can I enforce the order of Steps within a Course?

For Courses where you want learners to play the Steps in a specific order, simply check the following box in the Course Wizard:

Step Wizard's Checkbox Steps Have to be Completed in Order

Doing so will force the learner to start with the top-most graded Step in the Course. Each subsequent Step will unlock once they've played it.

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