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FAQ - Saving Problems
FAQ - Saving Problems

Unable to save? Let's figure it out

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

When saving a Step, Course, or other feature of LLXP, a pop-up window should appear in the top right corner of the page to confirm the save was successful:

Successful Step Save Message
Successful Course Save Message

It didn't show up? SELECT "Save" again. Read on if that doesn't solve the issue.

Missing details

When something is missing, parts will be highlighted red to show:

  • required fields

  • incomplete sections 

Required Field Entry Highlighted Red
Step Wizard Section Requiring More Details Highlighted Red

Double-check that everything is filled out, including the red stuff, and SELECT "Save" again.

Still nothing? 

Head over to our FAQ to see what else it could be!

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