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FAQ - Missing Rewards
FAQ - Missing Rewards

Where did your Happy Clients go? Let's find out together!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Though many Steps and Boosters may reward you Happy Clients, sometimes you won't get the amount you were expecting. Let's go over the most common questions on why the heck those Happy Clients didn't appear.

"I successfully completed a Step but didn't get any rewards. Aren't I supposed to get them?"

Each Step has the potential to reward you with Happy Clients when you've successfully completed it - if your administrator enabled it!

When browsing Courses, look for Steps that don't have a completion / score percentage box included in its summary:

Two Steps, One with Rewards and One Without

When you play a Step that is Learning-only, the sole reward you'll gain is the gift of knowledge - no Happy Clients or grades here!

"I earn less Happy Clients every time I play the same Step, but I'm getting a perfect score each time. What's going on?"

Steps can be played as often as you want, but will often have limits applied that will reduce the number of Happy Clients awarded each time it's played.

When you encounter reduced rewards while repeating a Step, that means your administrator has:

  • limited the number of times maximum Happy Clients can be earned

  • applied a time-frame for this limit (e.g. 1 day, 2 days, etc.)

Come back after some time has passed and try again. Your available rewards will eventually go back to maximum and you can then replay and get all the Happy Clients once more - until you reach the limit again of course.

"Why don't I get a Nightly Bonus every night?"

- You're at Level 1 -

Nightly Bonuses begin at Level 2! Keep playing to Level Up your business and start getting that bonus sooner!

- You're at Level 2 or higher -

Your business is "open" during regular Monday-through-Friday business hours, much like any other business! That means you'll gain a Nightly Bonus five times per week - not seven.

"My progress has 'reset' and all my grades/completions have disappeared — what happened? Can I get my progress back?"

Should you log in and find out none of your hard work is there anymore, it's likely due to one of three reasons:

  1. Your administrator deleted your original learner profile;

  2. Your IT systems administrators changed your internal ID, and the SSO system created a new profile as a result, or,

  3. Your learning administrator has reset everyone's progress in the game.

Profile deletion:

If your original learner profile has been deleted, check in with your administrator to find out why!

Internal ID change:

Should your profile require information changes in an SSO log-in environment, your previous profile may no longer be accessible via SSO - in this case, a new one will be created with the new information. Since progress cannot be copied/moved, that means your new profile will start at the beginning of your journey.

Administrator reset:

It may be that your administrator reset the game. When the game is reset, everyone in the platform starts from the beginning!

Profile deletions are never fun - we're sorry you're experiencing this! Please escalate to your learning administrator to find out why your profile is inaccessible so that it can be prevented in the future.

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