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FAQ - Demo Game Issues
FAQ - Demo Game Issues

If the Demo game is giving you problems, the solution may be found here!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

"When I play a Guided Demo it never lets me finish and I'm stuck replaying it over and over again, why is that?"

Each time you finish a Guided Demo round, you'll be given the option to "Practice Again" or "Play For Real!" 

"Practice Again" will keep you in the Demo so you can play in practice mode once more, whereas "Play For Real!" will have you play the graded version and exit the game when you're done.

Demo Guided Mode with Practice Complete Options Explained

Once you've played through Guided Practice and you're ready to complete it without a guide, make sure to select "Play For Real!" so you can play the graded version (and finish/exit the Step)! 

"When I play Demo games it sometimes takes a while for it to respond to my selections, why is that?"

"Is there an indicator to show that Demo is thinking/waiting?"

Demo has two modes of play: Guided Practice and Play For Real!

Guided will highlight where on the screen you're supposed to select, along with some text explaining what to do.

Demo Guided Mode Highlighting the Proper Area to Select

Play For Real doesn't highlight the correct spots on the screen, however, the same text from the Guided version will appear on-screen beside the "Hint" button.

Demo Play For Real with Hint Text Highlighted

Demo will always "type out" the full hint for the next Step after each correct selection. While it's typing, it will not accept any selections - you need to wait for it to finish!

Not only does this give you a moment to consider what you're looking for, it gives you a "free pass" by not deducting a heart in case you select something wrong in your rush to complete it. It's also a way to see when the next Step is ready to be interacted with.

Remember, this isn't a race! Make sure to wait for the Hint to finish "typing" before you make your next selection.

"I'm not sure where to select next and can't move forward."

When in Play for Real mode, you can always check the Hint (at the top of the screen - see above image) to remind yourself of what you need to do next.

Still not sure? Play Guided Practice and follow along - it'll show you exactly what you need to do!

"Why does the game tell me I'm wrong when I click on where I need to click?"

If this happens, you may be selecting a spot just outside where you're supposed to go! Check if you're selecting the right spot by playing the Guided Practice of that Demo.

As shown in a previous issue/solution, Guided Practice will highlight where on the screen you're supposed to select, along with some text explaining what to do. When you Play for Real, if you select a spot just outside where the highlighted box is in Guided Practice, it won't count!

Demo Guided Mode Illustrating Proper and Improper Areas to Select

Remember, Play for Real won't show where you need to select, only Guided Practice does! So you'll need to learn and remember where to select to successfully complete the Demo in Play for Real mode.

Pro tip: Select a spot somewhere in the middle of where you're supposed to select, this way you'll be sure to get it right every time!

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