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FAQ - Saving and Publishing Courses
FAQ - Saving and Publishing Courses

Common issues when saving and publishing courses!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

We've collected the most common issues admins may encounter when saving and publishing Courses into one handy FAQ - take a browse and see if these help!

"I built my Course and saved it, but now I can’t find it in the learner's library! Where did it go?"

It can sometimes take a few minutes for your Course to publish to the learner library.

When you don't see it right away:

  • WAIT about 5 minutes

  • REFRESH your screen

  • CHECK again

If it's still not in the library, there may be another reason for its absence - read on!

- It has not yet been published -

Your Course will not show up in the Course library until it is published. To bring it to life:

- It is scheduled for an auto-publish -

When you schedule your Course to automatically publish on a certain date, it won't be visible to you or your learners until that date. If you want it to be available immediately, publish your draft and make sure to keep the date field blank!

- You're not part of a Group that has access to this Course -

To see the Course in your learner library, you must be part of the Group that has access to it. Check your profile to see which Groups you’re in, then go to /admin and verify if you included your Group in that Course.

"I published my Course but learners are unable to see or access it. What did I do wrong?"

Is the learner's Group linked to the Course? Double-check the Course to confirm which Groups are allowed to see it and, if their Group isn't there, add them!

Still having issues? Those learners might not be part of any of the linked Groups, oh no! That's an easy fix though, just add the learner to the Group(s) they should be part of so they can see the corresponding Courses!

"Even though I translated my content into another language, learners can't see the translated Steps in the Course. "

If a translated Course contains one or more Steps that have not been translated, though the Course can still be viewed, all its Steps will remain unplayable until the Steps in question have been properly configured.

Error message on unconfigured French Course

Translation of highlighted text: "This course contains materials that are not available in this language. Contact your administrator for more information."

Check that each Step that's part of the Course has been configured in both languages. Once they've all been properly translated, the Course will become playable and show all its included Steps.

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