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Your Profile Panel

It truly is all about you!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

To get to your profile panel, take a peek at the top-right of the screen!

You can change your language using the drop-down menu, or SELECT the hexagon to:

  • go to the learner side of LemonadeLXP (for admins only)

  • access your personal profile page

  • view Steps you're a mentor for

  • log out of LemonadeLXP

Curious about your profile page? Let's break it down here.

Profile Info

Profile Page User Icon with Name, Title, and Menu Options

- Profile Picture -

Say "cheese!" Upload your picture so learners can instantly recognize you when you're conquering the Leaderboard

Show off those pearly whites:

  • SELECT the hexagon

  • CHOOSE the image you want to use

  • CONFIRM to finish!

Don't like it anymore? Want a change? 

  • SELECT the hexagon

  • CHOOSE "Remove file"

  • CHOOSE another picture

- Edit Profile -

Choose this option to change your:

  • email

  • first name

  • last name

  • title

- Edit Account Details -

Choose this option to change your:

  • password

  • username

- Privacy Options -

Go here to:

  • give your consent to be emailed

  • give your consent to share your name and email with the help desk

  • download your data

  • delete your data


Profile Page Grade and Rank Stats

- Average Grade -

 A percentage showing your overall grade for all your Steps and Courses.

See a low score? Don't be discouraged! The grade for each Course starts at the bottom the moment you play one of its Steps - each one you complete will raise your score, so make sure you keep playing!

- Level -

Your businesses' current level. It starts at Level 1 and goes up to the max! Are you up for the challenge?

- Points -

The total amount of points you've earned!

- Clients -

All the Happy Clients staying with your business and helping it grow!

My Progress

Profile Page My Progress Tab Overview

Here, you will find a list of every Step and Course you've played in LemonadeLXP.

At a glance, you can see:

  • Course name

  • Step name

  • the best grade you've achieved in that Step 

  • how often you've played it

  • how many times you got a perfect score

If you want to replay one or remind yourself of it, you can SELECT the Course/Step anytime to view the Step's page.


Profile Page Skills Tab Overview

Want to see which Skills you've unlocked?

This section shows for each Skill:

  • the name

  • how many points you've earned

  • how close you are to earning all available points

  • your current level (if applicable)

Step Feedback

Profile Page Step Feedback Tab Overview

Sometimes, you'll have an opportunity to give feedback for certain Steps!

When you do, you'll see:

  • your feedback's subject

  • its creation date

  • the last time someone interacted with it

  • whether or not someone read it

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