Learning on LemonadeLXP involves all kinds of fun Steps. Some will be simple practices like reading or watching stuff, and others will test your wit and skill with your lives on the line!
Let's find out what they're all about!
ZERO lives on the line
What the Attachment step is about:
Download the attached file and follow its instructions, whether to preview a course's contents, obtain and fill out required documents or as optional reference materials.
What you need to do:
READ the step's instructions
SELECT "Download" to save a copy of the attachment to your computer
REVIEW downloaded materials as instructed
What the Crossword step is about:
This is just like any other crossword puzzle, where each hint is numbered and represents a word or phrase (with no spaces) that's written either ACROSS or DOWN a numbered grid. Fill in the grid by finding the correct answers to each hint and typing them in the grid, using the numbers to place them properly!
What you need to do:
READ each hint
SELECT the square in the grid that matches the hint's number and positioning
TYPE the answer for the hint
SOLVE when you've completed the puzzle
What the Demo step is about:
This Step is a "hands-on" tutorial that teaches and tests you on how to use, or navigate, software. Stuff like how to use an app feature, or how to do something in a particular program.
You can jump right in, or take the guided practice to learn how to do it first.
There are two modes to this one:
Guided Practice (shows how to complete actions step-by-step)
the game itself (complete actions all by yourself!)
What you need to do:
CHOOSE "GUIDED PRACTICE" (if you want to practice, that is!)
FOLLOW the in-game steps as they're written
CHOOSE "Complete" when done
REPEAT as often as needed
"PLAY FOR REAL!" when you're ready to do it again - all on your own!
Having trouble?
take your time
consider things from the customer's perspective as well
remember your training as you complete this Step
redo "Guided Practice" to try it again without affecting your grade
If you get stuck, look at the top of the screen to find some helpful hints!
Hot Tip:
When in Guided mode, you can skip ahead (or go back) to specific spots by using a "hidden" menu on the top-left of your screen! Select the part that has "Step [#]" and a menu will pop up of all the demo areas you can access. Pretty handy when you want to focus on a particular part!
- Variant: The Simulation -
Unlike the Demo Step, Simulation emulates the navigation of software with no particular goal in mind. There's no Guiding Text, just areas to select — choose where you want to go and you'll land on that next screen, giving you a sense of how the depicted software functions.
When you're ready to leave, select the "Click here" button beside the text "You can exit this simulator anytime," found at the bottom-left of your screen:
ZERO lives on the line
What the Human step is about:
Connect with colleagues in a one-on-one or group setting!
What you need to do for one-on-one meetings:
CONTACT a mentor from the list of available names
CONFIRM meeting date
MEET with your mentor
WAIT for your mentor to confirm (in LemonadeLXP) that you met
What you need to do for group meetings:
ATTEND the group meeting
GET an attendance code from the meeting leader
ENTER your code in your LemonadeLXP
ZERO lives on the line
What it's about:
This one's super simple - just click, review, and you're done!
What you need to do:
SELECT the link to visit an external document or webpage
REVIEW all the material
ZERO lives on the line
What the Link Listener step is about:
A twist on the Link Step - instead of just reading material, you'll interact with whatever content is on the other end!
What you need to do:
SELECT the link to visit an external document or webpage
INTERACT with stuff by clicking and typing as needed
when done, you'll be automatically redirected to the Course list
What the MultiChoice step is about:
There's more than one answer to the questions in here - do you know them all?
What you need to do:
READ the question
DECIDE which answers should be right
SELECT all the correct answers (at least two!)
"SUBMIT" to confirm your answer!
Having trouble?
take your time
read feedback for incorrect answers - they'll show you the way!
What the Polygraph step is about:
Suss out the truth as a super sleuth! Your mission: to read a passage of text, identify false words and statements, and replace them with the proper ones. But be careful - even false words can sound truthful, you'll need to keep your wits on this one!
What you need to do:
READ the entire block of text
CONSIDER which words /phrases are incorrect
SELECT the word, or a word in the phrase, that's incorrect
if you got it right, a selection of alternatives will pop up
DECIDE which word /phrase is the correct one
SELECT the word /phrase to select
REPEAT until you've corrected all the mistakes!
Having trouble?
take your time - this is one of the trickiest games & may take a few tries to win
really read the passage to understand what's written
think about where you've seen this material before - how is this one different?
remember previous mistakes to avoid them in new play-throughs
What the Scenario step is about:
It's time to role-play!
You get to play the part of you (hooray!) as you "converse" with fictitious people in a real-world simulation. Choose the best response to customer needs, and experience their happy (or upset) reactions without the stress of interacting with a live human being! (Phew!)
Great practice to prepare you for similar real-world conversations, where you can be confident that each customer interaction will be a happy one!
What you need to do:
READ the customer's words
CONSIDER what the best response would be from available options
CHOOSE the answer you feel is the most correct
GAUGE the customer's response to your answer (Are they happy? Upset?)
REPEAT until the conversation is complete!
Having trouble?
take your time
pay attention to customer responses (i.e. happy customers = great response; upset customers = bad response)
read all of the customer's words, as well as all reply options
try to understand what the customer is really asking before replying
remember your previous training as you complete this Step
ZERO lives on the line
What the Scorm step is about:
LMS, short for Learning Management System, is a type of Courseware that was already made outside LemonadeLXP. Because we've simply imported stuff that someone else already created, interaction styles (and what you'll learn from it all) can vary.
What you need to do:
SELECT to start the Step
PAY ATTENTION to what is being asked of you
What the Sequence step is about:
Sequence will test your knowledge of what order a list should be in, such as the steps of a procedure, or the level of importance in something.
What you need to do:
READ the question
DECIDE what order the list items should be in
DRAG-AND-DROP each list item into the correct order, from top to bottom
REPEAT until the end
Having trouble?
take your time
read feedback for incorrect answers - they'll show you the way!
What the Sorting step is about:
Questions are now categories in this fun variation of MultiChoice! Whether there be one, or several, right answers available, choose just one and drag-and-drop it into the correct category.
What you need to do:
READ the question
DECIDE which answers are right
DRAG-AND-DROP one correct answer onto the category
REPEAT until the end
Having trouble?
take your time
you only need to choose one answer, even if several are correct
read feedback for incorrect answers - they'll show you the way!
What the Streak step is about:
Another MultiChoice variant with a scoring twist! Choose just one right answer (there could be several) and earn bonuses for speed and back-to-back correct answers. Get one wrong, your bonus starts at zero again.
What you need to do:
READ the question
DECIDE which answers should be right
SELECT a correct answer
do these as quickly as you dare!
REPEAT until the end
Having trouble?
though speed is the game, focus more on correct replies (you can always replay the Step once you're more confident!)
read feedback for incorrect answers - they'll show you the way!
ZERO lives on the line
What the Text step is about:
This one's super simple - just click, read, and you're done!
What you need to do:
SELECT the link to open an internal document
READ all the material
What the True or False step is about:
Earn bonuses for quickly deciding if the questions/statements are true or false.
What you need to do:
READ each question /statement
DECIDE what you believe is the right answer
CHOOSE "True" or "False"
go as quickly as you dare!
REPEAT until done
Having trouble?
take your time
remember what you answered the next time you play
read feedback - they'll explain why you're right (or wrong)
ZERO lives on the line
What the Video step is about:
An easy Step to take - just click, watch from beginning to end, and you're done!
What you need to do:
SELECT “View Video” to be redirected to an external video
sit back and watch the entire thing
ZERO lives on the line
What the YouTube step is about:
Get rewarded for watching a YouTube video from start to finish - sweet deal!
What you need to do:
SELECT “View Video” to be redirected to YouTube
sit back and watch the entire thing