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What all that stuff inside a Course is all about

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

When you've chosen a Course to complete, a list of Steps will pop up for you to choose from. Those Steps are all the games you'll play to get Happy Clients and Level Up!

When you're there, it'll look similar to this:

Course Page Overview With Several Steps and Completion Percentage

Now let's break it all down!

Course info

Much like the Course library, the top part of the screen shows the:

  • Course title

  • overall rating (if applicable)

  • number of Steps in the Course

  • number of learners who've played the Course

  • a brief description of what the Course is all about

Course Breakdown Page with Title, Description and Course Grade

Course grade

To the right you'll find either your completion percentage (if you haven't played all the Steps yet)...

Course Breakdown Page with Title, Description and Completion Percentage

...or, when enabled by your administrator, your letter grade for the Course! Your letter grade is the average you've earned from all the Steps in the Course.

Course Breakdown Page with Title, Description and Completion Grade

Complete all the Steps to boost your grade to the max!

Step list

All included Steps for the Course will be listed here.

Each one will show you:

  • level of difficulty

  • an image representing the type of game

  • the title of the Step

  • your grade in % form (or "incomplete" if you haven't done it yet)

Course Breakdown Page Steps Showing Different Completions

To play a Step, just SELECT the one you want to do. Easy!

Sometimes, you'll have to complete the Steps in order. You'll know that's the case when only the top-most Step can be highlighted, like this:

Course Breakdown Page Top Step Playable Bottom Step Locked

Start with the one at the top of the list to unlock the next, then work your way down - you got this!

Step page

Once you've selected your Step, your screen will change to something like this:

Step Page True or False Summary

- Step type -

At the very top you'll see the type of game, as well as a brief description on how to play it.

- All that text -

Here you'll have:

  • Step title

  • description of the Step

  • the Skills and things you will learn by completing the Step

- Ratings and feedback -

(Optional feature - may not be available)

While not always available, you may be able to see the star rating for the Step just under its title. It will default to the overall rating by learners, but will change to show your rating if you decide to put one in!

You can also write feedback directly to the Step's owner if you wish to address something with them - just click to get started.

Return to the Courses page

Whether you're in the Step's page, or you've already started playing the Step, always use the in-game options to navigate through it all.

- When viewing a specific Course -

  • USE the "Back" button (bottom of page)

  • SELECT the “Back to Courses” arrow (top left-hand corner) 

- When you've already started a Step -

  • SELECT the "X" (top left-hand corner)

To make sure your results are saved (and you don't have to start all over again - yikes!), avoid using your browser's:

  • refresh button

  • previous page arrow

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