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What is a Step?

Here's the thing about Steps...

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

So you want to make a cake? Take a Course on it! How do you make it? Follow the Course's Steps!

Each Course is made up of several Steps. They are pieces of the learning puzzle that, when completed, will give you a clear picture of all you need to know about the Course's subject!

Step breakdown

The Steps themselves are the training games, videos, and other things you'll be interacting with. To make it even more fun, we created multiple types!

Every Step you complete will improve your own knowledge on the topic - we're here to learn after all!

While some will solely focus on training, others may offer additional rewards including:

Those bonus rewards will help grow your business as you Level Up in LemonadeLXP.

Be sure to complete every Step to get the most out of your learning journey!

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