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Happy Clients

Happy Clients will help you Level Up!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Happy Clients! What business can succeed without them? (I'll give you a hint - none of them!)

With the help of Happy Clients you can grow your business all the way to the max

Note: Happy Clients is our default term - it may be referred to as something else in your platform. (E.g., "Customers," "Partners," etc.)

Learn with and without bonus rewards

When you're about to play a Step, look for a completion box to the far-right of its title. Any Step with a box beside it will reward you with Happy Clients; those with no box are purely focused on learning.

Two Steps, One That Offers Rewards and One That's Just for Learning

Steps that offer rewards will also contribute to your overall Course grade. Likewise, those with no completion box, won't! 

How to get Happy Clients

Earn more Happy Clients by:

But be careful! You could lose clients if you:

Keeping clients happy is very important!

Without them, you can't:

Make sure to play often so your clients (and your business) can thrive!

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