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Mentoring Colleagues

A guide on how to mentor like a pro so your colleagues can thrive!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

The Human Step connects learners with mentors, but how do you confirm if you're one of those mentors? Your profile page will have all the answers!

If you see "Mentor Panel" in your mini profile window and a "Mentoring" tab on your profile page, congrats! You're officially considered a mentor for your colleagues! 

Profile Sub-Menu with Mentor Panel Highlighted
Profile Page Mentoring Tab Highlighted

As a mentor, you'll play a key role in ensuring your colleagues grow in their learning and will be credited for the mentor interactions they'll have with you. 

You'll find cards representing each Step you're a mentor for in your profile page, just under the Mentoring tab.

Each Step card will show at a glance whether it represents a "One-on-one Connection" or a "Group Connection," and even more details can be found when you select a card!

Profile Page Mentor Cards
Profile Page Mentor One-On-One Step Details

One-On-One Connections

As implied, these will have you meet a colleague to go over the topic specified within the Step's card.

- Before the meeting -

Check your email (the one you registered with in LemonadeLXP) for meeting requests, and when you get them, schedule a meeting with the learner. Once confirmed, meet with the learner at the agreed time to discuss the topic.

- After the meeting -

Return to your profile page's "Mentoring" tab and select the Step's card. Scroll to the bottom and search for the learner's name.

Profile Page Mentor Connection Sub-Menu

Once found, select "Connect" to open a new screen. Enter your comments, observations, and anecdotes here:

Profile Page Mentor Feedback Window

If you're assessing the learner, an additional box will be present for you to enter their grade:

Profile Page Mentor Grade Window

Once ready, select "Complete Connection" to confirm you met. This action will also mark the learner's Step as complete!

Note: If the same Human Step is used in more than one Course, mentors assigned to that Human Step will find what appears to be several "duplicates" of it. When this happens, check their associated Courses to ensure you grade the correct one!

Three mentor tiles with identical Step names but different Course names

- Find the Right Connections -

When using the "New Connection" search tool, all registered users in LemonadeLXP will appear in the results regardless of whether they've been assigned to the Human Step you're creating a connection for. If you create a new connection with an unassigned learner, they will gain full access to both the Human Step and the Course that contains it!

To ensure you connect to the right learners, please check your email account for connection requests to confirm the learner's name. Then, search for that same name to create your connection!

Group Meetings

Since it's expected that several learners will attend a group meeting, rather than check each individual off within LemonadeLXP, you'll have the learners confirm their attendance themselves.

- Before the meeting -

Head to your "Mentoring" tab and open the corresponding "Group Connection" card, then scroll to the bottom of the page.

Profile Page Mentor Step Card Group Connection Details
Profile Page Mentor Group Connection New Connection Tab

Under "New Connection,"  you must create connection codes to include in your teaching material. Learners will use these codes to confirm their attendance at your meeting!

You can create one or several codes for your learners during the meeting. Each code can have unlimited use or be limited by an expiration date or the number of times they are used (e.g., equal to the number of attendees).

- Distributing attendance codes -

Once you've created your code(s), include (copy and paste) them in your teaching materials: handouts, a slide show, whatever you feel! Once they're given to attending learners, your job's complete!

As for the learners, they must attend the meeting to get their code (and the credit) for LemonadeLXP. It's up to them to enter it into the platform.

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