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The Thing About Skills

What Skills are, and how points are earned and used

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

What's a Skill?

A Skill is an ability that learners will automatically use and practice while completing Steps

Let's say there's a Step called "How to Deal With Angry Customers," the Skills you would use include:

  • Customer Service

  • Listening

  • Problem Solving

Notice there's no way to avoid using those Skills - they're a natural part of the Step!

What about Skill Points?

Content makers can include one (or several!) Skills when creating the fun stuff learners play, awarding them Skill Points to Level Up those traits!

How does that work exactly?

Going back to the Step "How to Deal With Angry Customers," a content maker could include earnable Skill Points when it's completed. Something like this:

  • +5 Customer Service

  • +3 Listening

  • +3 Problem Solving

When a learner completes that Step, they would earn up to 11 Skill Points in 3 Skills! Awesome!

As learners play Steps which earn them Skill Points, they'll Level Up their Skills and earn Skill Badges. (Plus bragging rights of course.)

The number of Skill Points they earn depends on how well they do. Get most of it right, get most of the Skill Points, so learners should aim for 100% to earn them all!

Skill Badges?

When you Level Up a Skill, a badge will pop up along with your "Skill Points Earned" bar the moment you complete a Step!

Skill level up badge
Skill level up page

When you see your badge pop up, that means you're at a higher level in that Skill! Congratulations!

Want to know your current Skill Levels? Head to your profile page and SELECT "Skills" to see them all!

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