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Welcome to the homepage, your booster game's landing page

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago
LemonadeLXP Home Page

Every time you log in, you'll conveniently land on your homepage where all the good stuff is shown. You can move around your platform from here, but let's stick around for now to see how your business is doing!

You can also view your personal progress dashboard on your homepage — simply scroll down the page to find it!

Business Level

Right in the middle of the screen is your new business! 

Your current level is displayed under your business, and the circle surrounding it shows how close you are to Levelling Up.

As you Level Up and grow , the look of your business, and the game's entire background, will "Level Up" too!


The boxes surrounding your business are your boosters! They are optional improvements you can get to help grow your business  to the max.

Add signage, offer quicker lines, get whatever you need through boosters to help your business shine.

As you get more boosters, you'll see them grow and start to "feed" power into your bank. They'll each start with green completion bars (because they're all powered up), then they'll become "electrified" as they change to bronze, silver, then gold as you unlock more within the same booster!

Example page showing different booster power levels


At the top of the page you'll find your:

Points will continue to grow as long as you have Happy Clients, and the amount of Happy Clients you have will grow with every Step you complete (and after certain bonuses are triggered).


Missions become available at Level 2! They are mini goals that will show up at the bottom of the page to help you grow your business even faster.

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