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Certifications Page Details

What they are and how to use them

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over 3 months ago

As you play through LemonadeLXP, secret Courses may appear and, sometimes, Certifications too!

Certifications are collections of Courses you must complete, typically in the same theme. Things like:

  • "Workplace Safety Insurance Board"

  • "Sales 101"

Rather than searching one by one for all Courses related to a particular subject, Certifications put them all together in one place!

If your administrator enables it, you must complete assigned Certifications within the specified period. Don't wait too long once it appears!

Find Your Certifications

To find your assigned Certifications, select "Certifications" from your menu.

Profile Menu with Certifications Highlighted

If you don't have any Certifications, the page will be blank. If you do, it will look something like this:

My Certifications Tab in Profile Panel

Here you can see:

  • which Certifications are assigned to you

  • which are Active (to be completed now) and which are Inactive (should have already been completed)

  • minimum required grade for each included Step

  • number of Steps that achieved the minimum grade

  • your current Certification grade

  • what period the Certification is/was active for

  • whether it's renewable (it repeats) and how often it must be replayed

View & Play Certification Courses

View each Certification's Courses and Steps by SELECTING the Certification in your list:

Expanded Certification with included Steps

From here, you can SELECT the Step of your choice to play the training game!

Renewing Certifications

Depending on the type of Certification, you may only need to complete all its Steps and Courses once. Others may need you to revisit them once in a while.

They're easy enough to spot - just look for the word "Renewable" in the Certification summary:

Certification Summary Bar with Renewable Highlighted

The moment you complete a renewable Certification's Courses and Steps, your required date of completion will change to a later date of either:

  • 1 month

  • 3 months

  • 6 months

  • 12 months

Keep your eyes on this and replay as needed to keep your Certification valid.

How to Complete Your Certifications

Break Down the Data

There are two parts to completing a Certification: your overall grade and your completion progress. Your "Steps Passed" reflects how many included Steps you've played and achieved the minimum grade requirement.

Certification Summary Bar with Steps Passed and Certification Grade Highlighted

Each Certification will have a "Required Grade" to achieve in order to successfully complete it. That's the minimum grade you must achieve for each included Step.

Certification Summary with Required Grade Highlighted

Understanding Colors

Steps included in a Certification will be highlighted in three different ways: white, yellow, and green.

Certification with Steps showing Different Highlight Colours

White ones are graded Steps that haven't been played. Even if you played the Step before the Certification was assigned (and earned a grade for it), you'll need to play it again for its grade and completion status to be included in the Certification.

Green ones are graded Steps which have been played and are included in the Certification's grade and completion stats.

Yellow Steps don't add to your grade or completion progress. Though their stats won't be included in the Certification's requirements, it's still recommended that you play them to really understand the content.

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