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Everyone loves a bonus!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

As you play LemonadeLXP, you'll complete Steps, earn Happy Clients, and Level Up your company!

But that's not all...

Once you reach Level 2 (congratulations!!), you'll also start getting some sweet bonuses to help your business grow! Amazing!!

Nightly Bonuses

Starts at:

  • Level 2

What you get:

  • Happy Clients

How that works:

Every business day (you're running a business after all!), LemonadeLXP rewards you with Happy Clients based on your previous night's: 

The higher everything is, the more Happy Clients you get!

Perfect Play Bonuses (a.k.a. Client Retention)

Starts at:

  • Level 5

What you get:

  • Happy Clients

  • Upset Clients

How that works:

Once your business grows to Level 5, your clients become more demanding! 

Keep them happy by:

  • regularly completing and replaying Steps

Be careful not to ignore them for too long! They'll become upset and leave, reducing the amount of points you can earn and making it harder for your business to succeed!

To prevent them from leaving (and boost your client retention):

  • get a perfect score at least 5 times in every Step within a Course (challenge accepted!)

This counter will pop up at the end of each play through to show you how many times you've achieved 100% in that Step:

The Perfect 100 Bar Showing 2 Complete 3 Remaining

No counter? No problem! Steps with zero lives on the line, as well as both the Human and Link Steps, don't affect your Happy Client levels - you're in the clear!!

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