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Earning and using points to Level Up!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Happy Clients earn you points, which you can use to buy boosters

How do you earn points?

The moment you earn your first few Happy Clients you'll start earning points. Why? You need Happy Clients before you can yield rewards after all!

Each Happy Client will earn you a certain number of points per second. It starts off slow, but as your clientele grows and you buy some boosters you'll be earning lots of points in no time!

What about Boosters?

There are a few types to choose from, including ones that grow your points-per-second earnings. Get these boosters to get more points even faster!

It's a really simple formula:

Play = Happy Clients = points and boosters = win!!

The more you play, the more you get, so get going already!

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