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Digital Academy
All things Digital Academy
Digital Academy Q&A: Is it responsive?Q&A on how DA works across devices
Digital Academy's Referral Link Discount Program!
Embedding Digital Academy within iOS Appsincludes code download
Image File Naming Convention and Tracking System for Digital WalkthroughsManaging assets like screenshots is vital to maintaining accurate and up-to-date digital walkthroughs.
Digital Academy Events
Digital AcademyWhat is it and how does it work?
Digital Academy Onboarding CurriculumGet comfortable with Digital Academy using ready-made content
Starting Your Digital AcademyWhat you need to do to add and organize content and activate or deactivate your Academy!
How to Organize Your Digital AcademyBest practices for setting up user-friendly categories + most popular topics
Top 10 Topics for Your Digital Academy WalkthroughsSome of the most common demos, simulations, and videos created on Digital Academy
Customizing Your AcademyHow to change colours and text, add links to key company pages, and customize footers for shared content
Advanced Branding Configuration in Digital AcademyA look at some advanced configuration available using CSS
Configuring Ensighten in Digital Academy
Digital Academy ChannelsOrganize and categorize your materials with this DA Premium feature!
Add and Customize Your DA+ Category PrefacesGive some extra context to each channel's categories
Marketing Digital Academy to Your AudiencesPromote Digital Academy before, during, and after launch
DA Pre-Launch Promotional TemplatesBuild interest and excitement before DA launches
DA Launch Promotional TemplatesLaunch your library with a bang!
DA Post-Launch Promotional TemplatesKeep folks visiting once your DA goes live
Get People Using Your Digital AcademyMarketing best practices and different ways to get people using your Digital Academy
Checklist to Get People Using Your Digital AcademyChecklist of how to market and get people using your Digital Academy
Digital Academy Metrics of SuccessHow to Measure the Success of Your Digital Academy
Enable Digital Academy Page Link in LLXPChoose to include or remove a direct link to your DA within LemonadeLXP's learner homepage
Internal Digital Academy LinkEasily share links with your internal DA