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Configuring Ensighten in Digital Academy
Configuring Ensighten in Digital Academy
Alex Lemaire avatar
Written by Alex Lemaire
Updated over a week ago

Beta Ensighten support is here! is a comprehensive security solution providing protection against client-side attacks, malicious adware and data loss while protecting privacy and compliance.

Tracking LemonadeLXP Digital Academy user events with Ensighten is straightforward.

First, head to your admin area under Settings > Digital Academy. Under Standard Preferences, you will see a few related fields:

  • TMS Tag Brand

  • TMS Tag Channel

  • TMS Tag Prefix

  • Start Event

  • Finish Event

When these fields are all configured and saved, the Digital Academy site will dynamically write Ensighten tags to every page.

If you are familiar with the TMS Tag invocation, the fields are mapped as follows:

tms_tag.brand= {{ TMS Tag Brand }}; {{ TMS Tag Channel }};

When a Demo is started, the system will write: = {{ Start Event }};
tms_tag.processes = {{ TMS Tag Prefix }}:{{ Demo ID }};
tms_tag.toolInteractions = {{ TMS Tag Prefix }}:{{ Demo ID }}:step{{ Step Number}};

When a Demo concludes, it writes: = {{ Finish Event }};
tms_tag.toolInteractions = {{ TMS Tag Prefix }}:{{ Demo ID }}:laststep;
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