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Customize Your DA Email Shares

Make your DA's Email Share text and usage both "on brand" and compliant!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Digital Academy already comes ready with default Email Share text, but for those who want to ensure it follows both branding and compliance requirements of their own, we've got you covered!

"Static" Email Share Components

All of your "static" components (text and enablements that stay the same) can be customized in the original LLXP Admin Panel.

Simply open the admin side of your LemonadeLXP, then:


  • SELECT "Digital Academy";

  • OPEN "Content Configuration", then,

  • SCROLL DOWN to the bottom of the page

Admin Panel V1 Public Sharing Options

Public Sharing - Adherence

Use this text box to enforce sharing compliance with staff. Whatever you enter here will appear each time a staff member attempts to share tutorials via email through the DA panel, like so:

DA Email Share screen with confirmation box section highlighted

Don't require a checkbox for consent? Leave this box blank!

Public Sharing - Prohibit Custom Notes

This feature works alongside the "variable" component, Message Center.

When you include the ability for staff to add their own custom notes to an email share, you can opt to allow them to do this for everyone, or limit it to internal (registered) users only.

When included, the staff custom Note field appears like so:

Email Share with Note box highlighted

Here's an example of how the staff member's Note will appear in the recipient's email:

Recipient email with Note highlighted

Public Sharing - Custom HTML Footer

All tutorials that are shared via email will include the text you enter here as the footer of the email. Pretty standard stuff!

Recipient email with footer highlighted

"Variable" Email Share Components

Your "variable" component, where key parts will appear different to each recipient of an Email Share, are changed through our new BETA Admin Panel!

BETA Admin Panel - Message Center

Override LemonadeLXP's default email share message using the Message Center!

New BETA Admin Panel - Message Center

Take advantage of the available variables within your custom message to give recipients a more customized experience:

  • {{recipientName}} will automatically include the recipient's name as it's written in your LLXP, making sure Bob will be addressed as Bob, Marie as Marie... You get the idea!

  • {{content}} will enable and insert any note added by a staff member when they email share a tutorial. Don't want them to add notes? Don't include this variable? Want to limit usage to internal (registered) LLXP users only? Make sure to Prohibit Custom Notes for public shares!

  • {{demoName}} shows the name of the tutorial that is being shared with the recipient.

  • {{demoDescription}} includes the same description for the shared tutorial, as seen in your DA!

Add these variables to your custom text as you see fit, as often as you wish (or not at all)!

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