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Checklist to Get People Using Your Digital Academy
Checklist to Get People Using Your Digital Academy

Checklist of how to market and get people using your Digital Academy

Joël avatar
Written by Joël
Updated over a week ago

Here are a few checklist items of different ways to get the most out of Digital Academy.

In Section 1 you'll find some basic ways to start using Digital Academy, and Section 2 discusses a number of ways to fully integrate Digital Academy into your institution — from sales to customer service.

Section 1 - Rapid Deployment

Here are a few fast and simple ways to start making use of your DA.

Include links to your DA:

❏ On your homepage

❏ On product information pages

❏ Within customer on-boarding packages

❏ In customer service email signatures

❏ Within digital products (“Need Help?” buttons directing to tutorials)

❏ Direct customers to your DA through hold messages on support calls

Section 2 - Thoroughly Integrate Your DA into Your Institution

Digital Academy as a Customer Service Tool

Online Resource Center

❏ Create easily accessible links on your website or app homepage that direct to DA

❏ If you have a separate help centre or FAQ page, add links to demos where you see fit

❏ Put "Need Help?" buttons within your digital products that link to your DA

❏ Have service reps direct customers to your DA should they have future questions

❏ Send out an email to let customers know you're launching DA

❏ Promote your DA through social media posts

Support Calls and Messaging

❏ Support staff use demos to follow along while troubleshooting on calls

❏ Support staff send links to tutorials from within your DA

❏ Create “on hold” messaging that directs customers to your self-service DA

❏ Support staff should encourage customers to visit your DA for future inquiries

In-Person Support

❏ Equip floor staff with tablets to offer hip-to-hip support

❏ Use tablets or computers to offer an interactive risk-free environment for in-branch support

Automated Support

❏ Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

i.e., Connect DA to your IVR and call center and have appropriate demos be sent to clients automatically

❏ Chatbots

i.e., Have chatbots recommend appropriate demos based on customer needs

Internal Training

❏ Increase employee education and familiarity

i.e., Have staff play through demos to increase their knowledge of digital products

Digital Academy as a Sales Tool

Product/Customer On-Boarding

❏ Use DA in-person to help show customers their new product or service

❏ Send out "new feature" emails that include demos when changes are made to digital products

❏ Send related product demos to increase cross-sales

Product Marketing and Sales

❏ Include links to your DA in promotional emails and messaging

❏ Equip staff with tablets and have them use demos as part of hip-to-hip cross-selling

❏ Show your customers just how easy your digital products are to use

i.e., Customers can test products in a risk-free environment

Internal Product Training

❏ Have your staff gain familiarity with your digital products to increase their ability to sell them

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