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Customizing Your Academy

How to change colours and text, add links to key company pages, and customize footers for shared content

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a year ago

Once you've set up your Digital Academy, you may realize that you want to customize its look and feel. Naturally we've already prepared the tools you need to do just that!

Once you've logged in as an admin, head to SETTINGS/Digital Academy to get started.

Changing the Style of your DA

- Navbar and Footer Colours -

Head to Preferences, then select STYLE. You'll find yourself on your Digital Academy's colour selection screen!

DA Preferences/Style highlighted

When you select a colour box, a small window will pop up where you can choose your preferred colour for whichever option you wish.

Colour Selection Screen for All Available Options

- Featured Demos, Tutorial Descriptions, and DA Referral Program -

Choose whether you want your Featured tutorials to cycle in a carousel format, or keep them static on the page like the rest of your tutorials.

Each tutorial's description will always appear when a visitor goes on the tutorial's page, but you can opt to reveal (or hide) those descriptions within the DA library itself.

You can also choose to participate in the upcoming DA referral discount program! (Details are coming soon!)

Inject Custom Code

You can  put in your own code to customize your DA even further! (Your tech peeps will know what we're talking about!)

  • Use HTML to create a Gallery Preface for the top of your DA homepage

  • Create global style changes with custom CSS

  • Customize even more with JavaScript

Digital Academy Content Configuration - Inject Code Page

Once you're happy with your updates, select Save to apply any changes!

Adding Page Text and Tutorial Share Options

Head over to Content Configuration /TEXT to change the main text in your Digital Academy:

Content Config Text Tab

Main Headline, Call to Action, Subheading

These are the main "quick directions" visitors will see on your page, so keep them relevant and simple!

Banner Message

Text entered here will appear at the top of your DA page as a banner, perfect for all your need-to-know announcements!

Global Footer

No matter where your visitors go, this text will always be available at the bottom of whatever page they view.

Public Sharing - Adherence, Disable Sharing, Prohibit Custom Notes, and Custom HTML Footer

Links, Tracking, and Other Details

When you want to include key company website links, additional details, or track your DA activity using Google Analytics or Ensighten, simply head to Preferences /STANDARD PREFERENCES and pop the necessary information in the appropriate text field:

Digital Academy Preferences/Standard Preferences highlighted

Webpage Title

Customize the webpage's title through "Page Title."


Add a shortcut icon, website icon, tab icon, URL icon, or bookmark icon file associated with your own website or web page.

Digital Academy Public-Facing Page Highlighting Favicons

Replace the mini Lemonhead with your company's logo. This will appear over all featured demos that appear in the header.

Digital Academy Public-Facing Page Highlighting Corner Logo


You can keep these fields blank, or add one (or all!) to your Academy. Once you add a link in either the Privacy & Security, Legal, and Accessibility fields, that link will automatically appear at the bottom of your Digital Academy Page without a fuss.

Google UA and Measurement ID

Add your Google Analytics UA ID and/or your Measurement ID (required if you're using Google Analytics v4) to the page to track visits and usage.

Note that specifying the Measurement ID short-circuits the older version of Google Analytics (only one can be active at a time, v4 takes precedence).


Publish and Compile Versions of Your DA

Want to publish compiled versions of your Digital Academy to support custom development initiatives? Need a content index? Take advantage of our Content Configuration /ACCELERATION section to do just that!

DA Content Config Acceleration Screen

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