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Digital Academy Metrics of Success
Digital Academy Metrics of Success

How to Measure the Success of Your Digital Academy

Joël avatar
Written by Joël
Updated over a week ago

Curious to know if Digital Academy is working for you? Wondering how you might be able to measure success? We've got you covered.

The Key to Measuring Success - Comparison

The first step is collecting pre-launch data

No matter what metric you use to measure success, you need to be able to compare how things were before to how things are after.

If you're looking to use Digital Academy to cut down on call volume, measure the average calls per day/week/month before and after launching your Digital Academy. Did call volume reduce? If they did, great! If not, what might need to change?

The first step in determining if your Digital Academy has been a success is collecting pre-launch data.

Digital Academy Metrics of Success

5 Reasons People Buy Digital Academy

1) Digital is one of the main reasons people change or choose Financial Institutions.

  • Digital Academy helps demonstrate product, value and support

Related Value Propositions

How It's Measured

Provide better service to customers who inquire about Digital Products

(Onus on customer satisfaction)

  • Customer Satisfaction Score

Increase NPS

  • Surveys

2) Take weight off of your support systems.

  • Use Digital Academy as a customer resource

Related Value Propositions

How It's Measured

Cut down on calls to call centers

  • # of Calls

Increase in traffic to Digital properties (Self service increase)

  • Web Stats

3) Deepen customer/member relationship with your digital products.

  • Include demos in product on-boarding

  • Decrease feature whitespace

  • Increase stickiness

  • Marketing can use demos to demonstrate value and engage customers

Related Value Propositions

How It's Measured

Marketing - segment/target customers who do things in branch

  • Increase in Segmented Data Properties

Increase in digital product usage

  • Web Stats

Decrease in in-branch transactions

  • Branch Stats

4) Support your frontline staff and enable them to provide better service.

  • Use demos to train staff on new product and feature updates

  • Use simulators and demos to troubleshoot customer service inquiries

Related Value Propositions

How It's Measured

Cut down on call handling time

  • Average Handle Time

  • # of First Call Resolutions

Provide better service to customers who inquire about Digital Products

(Onus on customer satisfaction)

  • Customer Satisfaction Score

Allow staff to practice and become more familiar with digital products (Product mastery)

  • Survey e.g., Are you more comfortable discussing digital with clients?

Increase employee satisfaction and help streamline work

  • Survey e.g., Is this better than what you used to do?

5) Cut down on costs and streamline building, updating and deploying product demos and simulations.

  • Digital Academy is a faster and more cost effective way to produce your demos and simulations

Related Value Propositions

How It's Measured

Faster time to market

  • Time required to deploy

Cost of creation and maintenance

  • Resource requirements

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