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Get People Using Your Digital Academy
Get People Using Your Digital Academy

Marketing best practices and different ways to get people using your Digital Academy

Joël avatar
Written by Joël
Updated over a week ago

Your Digital Academy (DA) is up and running and now it’s time to get people using it!

The following article contains a series of best practices to help you market your Digital Academy to your customers/members and increase traffic.

The first section of this document highlights a rapid deployment plan, the second section highlights a few use cases and how to fully leverage the value of your DA in each.

Keep in mind that the way you choose to use and promote your DA should always relate to your goals and how you plan on measuring the success of your DA. For more information, visit this article on metrics of success.

Also, view our checklist featuring different ways to get the most out of Digital Academy.

Section 1: Rapid Deployment

For easy and rapid deployment to your customers, we recommend promoting your DA:

  • On your homepage

  • In product and customer on-boarding packages

  • As part of customer service email signatures

  • Within digital banking products (e.g., "Need Help?" buttons that direct to DA)

  • Through hold messages at call centres directing customers to your DA

Section 2: Use-case integration

While many of our customers have had success promoting DA using the basic methods listed above, there are many other steps that can be taken to get the most from your DA!

Have a look are some of the most common applications of DA.

Customer Service

At its core, DA is a customer service tool, typically used to drive digital adoption! Here are a few ways to incorporate DA into your customer service experience.

Online Resources Centre

Your DA will be a collection of helpful demos, simulations, and videos, so why not market it as an online resource centre! This is a great way to cut down on customer service requests, and caters to those who prefer self-service.

Ways to increase customer traffic to your DA (hint: include links here, there, and everywhere):

  • Create easily accessible links on your main website's homepage that direct to DA

  • If you have a separate help centre or FAQ page, add links to demos where you see fit

  • Put "Need Help?" buttons within your digital products that link to your DA

  • Have service reps direct customers to your DA should they have future questions

  • Send out an email to let customers know you're launching DA

  • Promote your DA through social media posts

Customer Service Calls and Messaging

This is a cornerstone of DA, and where some of DA’s biggest success stories stem from! Getting staff to use DA as part of their customer service tool belt can reduce call and overall service time, and makes troubleshooting easier for both customers and service representatives.

Ways to use DA as part of customer service calls and messaging:

  • Staff can use DA as a resource to see what the customer sees, helping with troubleshooting

  • Create on-hold messages that direct customers to visit your DA instead of waiting

  • Staff can send links over direct messaging or email

  • Customer service agents should encourage customers to visit your DA for future inquiries

If you have LemonadeLXP as well as DA:

Staff are able to share demos with customers while on calls, or as follow ups to customer service requests.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Systems and Chatbots

IVR systems are commonplace in the customer service world, and there’s no reason not to incorporate DA into yours. Depending on your IVR system, it’s possible to automate sending resources (demos, videos, simulations) via text or email to your customers. As mentioned earlier, if you don’t have an IVR set up, having a hold message that directs customers to visit your DA is a great alternative.

Chatbots are designed to help take weight off of your support staff. However, what they lack is that hands-on touch. Incorporating interactive demos and simulations is one way to help overcome this! Programming your chat robots to suggest appropriate resources from your DA could save your employees from unnecessary calls and emails!

Internal Training

DA is great for new product and feature training! Use it to get your staff trained quickly so they will be able to handle the incoming customer service requests. There’s no better place to practice than in a risk-free environment, like your DA.

Include links to demos and simulations in any new feature or product updates that you would send to your staff!

If you're looking for more fun and engaging ways to train your staff, check out LemonadeLXP!

DA for Sales

The benefits of DA go well beyond improving customer service!

Product On-Boarding

Whatever your product on-boarding process is, there’s room for DA! Giving customers the resources they need to get the most out of your digital products is crucial for customer satisfaction. Setting customers up for success will also reduce future customer service requests.

Here are a few ways to use DA as part of on-boarding:

  • Automate emails that send appropriate resources when someone signs up with a new product or service

  • Use DA in-person to help show customers their new product or service

  • Send out "new feature" emails that include demos when changes are made to digital products

Product Marketing and Sales

Customers are often afraid of digital products because they seem complicated and unfamiliar. Use demos, videos, and simulations from your DA to show people just how easy it can be!

Here are a few ways to promote your products using DA:

  • Include links to DA in your promotional emails and messaging

  • Equip staff to use demos as part of hip-to-hip cross-selling

  • Use DA for cross-sales as part of on-boarding, in-person or online

  • Add a “test it out, risk free” button to online product information sheets that links to a DA demo

  • Promoting a product on social media? Include a link to your DA!

Internal Product Training

Anyone involved in selling digital products should be proficient with your products and services. Using your DA to train your team will allow them to confidently have digitally-focused conversations with your customers! Make them experts at navigating the demos to encourage customers to make the digital leap!

If you're looking for more fun and engaging ways to train your staff, check out LemonadeLXP!

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