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How to Navigate the Admin Platform

No need for a compass!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Not sure where to go? We'll point you in the right direction!


Your default landing page will always be "Dashboard" under "Analytics." We figured you'd want to see the juicy data first when you log in.

Quick Links Menu

Main menu bar

Our quick links menu (at the very top) will always be available no matter what page you're on. Certain pages will also have tiles you can use to quickly author Courses, manage users and Skills, or view reports.

- Settings -

Try out the config section to customize your LemonadeLXP! Adjust images and text used throughout the booster game and training games, change the overall look, and tweak user interaction levels as you see fit.

- Author -

Ready to create awesome training content? Build a Step or create a Course from the "Author" tab.

- Automate -

Add Triggers and create Certifications from the "Automate" tab.

- Learners -

Manage users and organize Groups from the "Learners" tab.

- Analytics -

Explore the analytics section to spot your superstars, slackers, and knowledge gaps. 

Additional Tools

- Need Help? Have Suggestions -

Use our Help and LemonadeLXP Roadmap links to get what you need!

Your User Profile

Head to the learner side of LemonadeLXP and select your name (top-right corner) to access your profile. Be sure to add a photo so colleagues recognize you!

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