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Config Details

Customizing the platform the way you want

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

You can do a lot to customize your LemonadeLXP, with help from the "Config" section!

To get there, make sure you're logged in as an /admin, then:


  • SELECT "Config"

Menu bar Settings/Config highlighted

Personalize it

Upload your logo, update your company name, and choose a preloaded theme to customize and change the look of your LemonadeLXP! 

A deeper experience

Performance and Comparisons

Turn on the performance chart to give learners immediate feedback after completing a Step, and activate (or deactivate) learners' ability to compare their stats with others using the Leaderboard and Colleagues pages.

Security Settings and Single-Sign-On

SSO required? No problem! Disable standard registration through the config panel, or leave it as-is if you don't mind the regular way too. Want to tweak your site's security? Adjust your HTTP/HTTPS and password reset security settings to suit your needs!

Limit Rewarded Replays

Learners are rewarded with Happy Clients every time they play a graded Step, even if they've already completed it before. Customize replays to limit repeat rewards!

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