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Analytics Overview

Where to go to find what

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

With all that learning comes lots of data! But where do you go for what?

Our "Analytics" section has everything you need (and didn't know you needed!) to suss out problem Steps, how Courses are being received, and more! You can also download key data in CSV form (Microsoft Excel) for easy reference and integration into your own reporting software.

Once you get comfortable with the data you'll be checking the most, take a tour of the rest so you can truly understand your LemonadeLXP.


Fun fact: this is the page LemonadeLXP considers your "homepage" every time you log in as an /admin!

Here you'll find lots of charts that mainly focus on:

  • overall learner activity

  • attained knowledge summaries


Learn all about your learners! You will see:

  • individual learner's statistics and summaries

  • an overview of learner learning trends


You guessed it, this one focuses on Courses! Go here to view:

  • a breakdown of each one, from grades to times played

  • Course Steps in more detail


  • number of times Steps have been played

  • which ones are the most difficult for learners

  • which ones have been replayed the most


Wish you could just download a report that summarizes everything you want to know about your learners' progress? This section offers reports that include data on learners':

  • Certifications progress

  • Step activity

  • Contest entries

  • Skills achievements

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