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Stage 2 - Time to Learn

Now that your instance of LemonadeLXP is set up, it's time to learn how to use it!

Joël avatar
Written by Joël
Updated over a week ago

Get On-Board

Time for on-boarding! Now that you have a functional instance of LemonadeLXP, it’s time to learn how to use the system and make it look like it belongs to you!

Quick Progress Check-In

By now, you should have:

Not there yet? Have a look at Stage 1.

Stage 2 Checklist


Digital Academy

1. Attend On-Boarding Lesson 1 & complete challenges

2. Brand your instance to represent your organization

3. Attend On-Boarding Lesson 2 & complete challenges

4. Attend On-Boarding Lesson 3 & complete challenges

4. Attend Post-On-Boarding Checkins

7. Attend Post-On-Boarding Checkins

What On-Boarding Entails

It’s quite simple! On-boarding consists of 'x' amount of lessons. Each lesson takes about an hour. Every lesson is also followed by a "homework assignment" to put your learning to the test.

How many onboarding lessons are there?

This depends on which part(s) of LemonadeLXP you're interested in!

  • Digital Academy only = 3 lessons!

  • LemonadeLXP only = 5 lessons!!

  • LemonadeLXP + Digital Academy = 6 lessons!!!

How do I schedule on-boarding?

Have no fear! One of our lovely customer experience reps will reach out and help find a time for your first on-boarding lesson.

Completion Timespan

On-boarding lessons should take about 1 month to complete! You do however get to pick one of the following three adventures:

1) The Classic On-Boarding

  • The classic on-boarding program includes one 1-hour lesson a week.

2) The Time Crunch

  • These can happen as quickly as you’d like. We effectively cram all lessons into as little time as possible. Typically clients choose 15 days. For some reason people’s dogs tend to eat their homework at a much higher rate during the time crunch program.

3) The Freelance

  • This program allows people to work at their own pace and book meetings whenever they have questions. This program entitles you to the same amount of time as other programs (1-hour per number of required lessons).

Want to get a head-start?

Feel free to check out our Administrator’s Guide! It’s full of tutorials, tips and tricks, including this very article, and it’s at your disposal 24/7 for all your LemonadeLXP needs!

All done on-boarding and ready to create content? Move along to Stage 3!

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