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Courses on Content Exchange

A list of the steps currently available on LemonadeLXP’s Content Exchange

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Our authors have created the following courses which cover a wide range of topics of interest.

Here, you'll find all our available CEx courseware for the following (select the category to jump to the corresponding section):

How to find courses on Content Exchange

A demonstration of how to find content on Content Exchange can be found here.

How content is listed in this article

Content is listed in this article as:


  • Course Title

    1. Step Title

Steps can be found listed on the Content Exchange as:

  • Course - step # of total # steps - Step Title

  • Example: Basics of Cryptocurrency - 2 of 5 - Cryptocurrency Fundamentals

LLXP New Instance Courseware

Folks with a brand new LLXP will get these courses added to their instance as part of the "welcome package."

Intro to LemonadeLXP **Q2 NEW CONTENT**

  • Intro to LemonadeLXP

    1. Get Ready to Have Fun

    2. What to Expect in Your Learning Journey

    3. Your Learning Journey: A Recap **Q2 NEW**

Just for Fun **Q2 NEW CONTENT**

  • Food

    1. The History of Our Favorite Foods

    2. When Did Foods First Get Eaten

    3. The History of Bread

    4. Famous Foods

    5. European Versus American Food

    6. How to Make a Pizza Like the Italians **Q2 NEW**

    7. Coffees Around the World

    8. International Dishes and Foods **Q2 NEW**

  • Movies

    1. True or False: Tom Edition

    2. Movie Mistakes: When Harry Met Sally

    3. 90s Movie Trivia

    4. Famous Words

    5. Franchise Films **Q2 NEW**

  • More from the Screen

    1. Film Adaptations

    2. TV's Famous Lines

    3. Musical Fast Facts

    4. Whose Voice Was It

    5. Movie Music Matchmaker

    6. Sitcom Extravaganza **Q2 NEW**

  • Music

    1. Nicknames and Personas

    2. Don't Forget the Lyrics

    3. What Era

    4. Sing a Duet

    5. Build a Band

    6. Don't Forget the Artists **Q2 NEW**

  • **Q3 NEW** Just for Puns

    1. Get Ready to Get Your Pun On

    2. What's in a Pun - 5 Types of Puns

    3. How to Write a Pun the Right Way

    4. The Pun Also Rises - Puns in Literature

    5. Incrêpable Food Puns

    6. Punny Jokes

    7. Punderful Animal Puns **Q2 NEW**

    8. Lemonade Puns

LLXP Onboarding Courseware

New LLXP admins will benefit from these courses, from setting up your instance to look like a natural extension of your company, to learning the "ins and outs" of the software itself!


  • Getting Started

    1. Welcome to LemonadeLXP

    2. The Mechanics Behind the "Magic"

    3. How to Play Lemonade

    4. How to Navigate the Learner Platform

    5. Getting Around the Admin Platform

    6. Your Personal Guides

Getting Started **Q2 UPDATES**

  • Branding Your Instance's Look and Feel: Part 1

    1. No Two Lemonades are Alike

    2. Update Your Logo and Overall Look

    3. Customize Your Tobot Tutorial

    4. Changeable Key Terms in Lemonade

    5. What You Can Change in Your Booster Game

  • Branding Your Instance's Look and Feel: Part 2

    1. Get to Know Your Glue

    2. Changing Your Background and Building Images

    3. Customizing Your Boosters

    4. Detailing Image and Text Changes to the Glue

    5. The Point of Pillars

  • Publishing Your First Course

    1. Let's Create Some Content

    2. How to Start a Step Build

    3. Step Difficulties

    4. How to Build a Course

    5. Business Owners

    6. Creating Your Groups

    7. Groups and Learners

  • How Publishing Courses Works

    1. The Relationship Between Courses, Steps and Groups

    2. Courses 101

    3. Training Game Types **UPDATE + NEW STEP TYPE**

    4. How Groups Work

  • Get Skilled in Skills

    1. Amp Up Your Skills

    2. How to Add a Skill

    3. All About Skills

  • Getting People in the Platform

    1. Let Your People In

    2. Manual Registration Methods

    3. SSO Versus Manual Sign-Up

Automation and Play Controls

  • Triggers and Certifications

    1. The Low-Down on Triggers and Certifications

    2. Creating Triggers

    3. Certification Creation

    4. The Tale of Triggers

    5. Get Certified in Certifications

  • Play Controls

    1. Take Control of How Learners Play

    2. Set Up Step Replay Limitations

    3. Play Controls Overview

    4. Replay Throttle and Anti-Abuse Video Safeguard Basics

    5. Replay Controls - A Learner's Experience

    6. Step Replay Limitations Review

    7. Automatic Email Notifications

    8. Types of Email Notifications

Training Games Breakdown **Q3 NEW**

  • Get Attached to Attachments **Q3 NEW**

    1. Including Attachments In Your Curriculum

    2. Attachment Overview

  • Solving the Puzzling Crossword Step **Q3 NEW**

    1. Crosswords for Newbies

    2. What Do You Know About the Crossword Step

    3. Crossword Review

  • Demonstrating Demos

    1. The Memo on Demos

    2. Demo Training Game Overview

    3. Building a Demo Step

    4. Getting Familiar with Demos

    5. Demos: An Overview

  • Virtually Human

    1. The Human Aspect of Virtual Training

    2. Human Training Game Overview

    3. How to Build a Human Step

    4. The Mentor's Role in a Human Step

    5. Human Step Basics

    6. Assessing Your Assessment and Mentor Options

  • The Link Listener

    1. Listen to the Link Listener

    2. Link Listener Basics 101

    3. Link Listener Basics 202

    4. The Four Steps of Link Listener Creation

    5. Know Your Link Listener Data Events

    6. Building a Link Listener Step

  • Making the Multi-Choice Choice

    1. Make Your Multi-Choice

    2. Building a MultiChoice Step

    3. MultiChoice Training Game Overview

    4. MultiChoice Review

  • Paragraphs and Polygraphs

    1. On Behalf of the Polygraph

    2. Building a Polygraph Step

    3. Polygraph Training Game Overview

    4. The Foundation of Good Deviations Part 1: Choosing Your Deviation Segments

    5. The Foundation of Good Deviations Part 2: Technical Truths

    6. The Foundation of Good Deviations Part 3: Good and Bad Deviations

  • Setting the Scene-ario

    1. Get Ready to Roll-play with Scenarios

    2. Scenario Training Game Overview

    3. Building a Scenario Step

    4. Scenari-yes or Scenari(n)o

    5. Putting the Real in Realistic Conversations

  • Sequence Some Sense Into Your Courseware **Q3 NEW**

    • The Cadence of the Sequence Step

    • Sequence Overview

    • How to Build a Sequence Step

  • Sorting Out Sets

    1. Sort Out the Sorting Step

    2. Building a Sorting Step

    3. Sorting Training Game Overview: A MultiChoice Preview

    4. Sorting Training Game Overview

    5. Sorting Basics

  • Sneak a Peek at Streak

    1. It's Streak Week

    2. Building a Streak Step

    3. Streak Training Game Overview

    4. Streak Tips and Tricks

  • The Text Effect **Q3 NEW**

    1. Let's Talk About Texting

    2. How Well Do You Know the Text Step

    3. Text Step Formatting Options

  • The True or False Waltz

    1. True, False, and Nothing Else

    2. Building a True or False Step

    3. Defining Technical Truths

    4. Defining Double Negatives

    5. True or False Training Game Overview

    6. False Phrasing 101

    7. False Phrasing 202

    8. False Phrasing 202

Content Writing **Q3 NEW**

  • Writing Training Content 101

    1. A Run-Down on Content Writing

    2. The Importance of a Lesson Plan

    3. Writing Best Practices 101

    4. Spot the Bad Content

    5. Choosing the Right Training Game

    6. Step Matching

  • Creating a Curriculum

    1. Start Creating Your Curriculum

    2. Creating a Curriculum: An Overview

    3. Determining Your Vision and Intention

    4. Mapping Out Your Overarching Topics

    5. Reviewing Your Previous Curriculum

    6. Organizing Your Standards

    7. Drafting a Complete Learning Experience

    8. Assessing Your Curriculum's Success

    9. Matching Assessment Types and Methods

    10. Determining Needed Materials and Resources

    11. Putting Your Curriculum Together

    12. The Curriculum Writing "Checklist"

  • Same Materials, Different Step Type **Q3 NEW CONTENT**

    1. Using the Same Material for a True or False Step

    2. Using the Same Material for a Sorting Step

    3. Using the Same Material for a MultiChoice Step

    4. Using the Same Material for a Streak Step

    5. Using the Same Material for a Polygraph Step

    6. Using the Same Material for a Scenario Step

    7. Using the Same Material for a Sequence Step **Q3 NEW**

  • Course and Step Patterns

    1. Piecing Out Your Pattern Options

    2. Planning Your Content Patterns

    3. Get Familiar With Your Pattern Options

    4. Know Your Course/Group Patterns

    5. Know Your Course Release Patterns

    6. Know Your Certification and Course Series Patterns

    7. Know Your Step Patterns

Digital Academy **Q2 NEW**

  • Introduction to Digital Academy

    1. Your Public Digital Learning Library

    2. Digital Academy Overview

    3. What is Digital Academy

    4. How Digital Academy Helps Everyone

  • How to Create Your Own Digital Academy

    1. Get Your Content Ready for DA

    2. Creating Categories

    3. Adding a Demo

    4. Adding a Video

    5. **NEW** DA Premium: Adding Additional Step Types to your DA

  • Branding Your Digital Academy

    1. Branding Your Digital Academy

    2. What can be Customized

    3. Including Your Company Name and Logo

    4. Color-Matching Your Digital Academy

    5. Adding HTML and CSS to Your Digital Academy

Learner Courseware

  • How LemonadeLXP Works

    1. Happy Clients

    2. Points and Boosters

    3. Gameplay Parts and Pieces

  • A Learner's Perspective

    1. How to Play LemonadeLXP

    2. The Learner Experience

    3. Your Personal Profile Page

    4. Check Out Your Course Library

    5. Playing Training Games

    6. Using Boosters

    7. All Aboard the Leaderboard

    8. Connect with Colleagues

    9. Star Ratings and Feedback

    10. (Unavailable - pending updates) My Certifications Overview

General Training

From soft skills to particular topics like sales, management, and self-care, these courses will help boost your knowledge.

Active Listening

  • How to Listen

    1. What is Active Listening

    2. Levels of Listening

    3. Getting Over Selective Attention

    4. A Great Listener is Like a Trampoline

    5. Good Versus Poor Listening Skills

  • Methods to Improve Active Listening Skills

    1. Internal Dialogue

    2. Improving Memory

    3. Active Body Language

    4. Professional Listening

    5. Contextual Communication

Adult Learning Theories ***Q3 NEW**

  • Adult Learning Theories Part 1

    1. Resource: Adult Learning Theories Part 1

    2. The Importance of Learning Theories in Learning and Development

    3. Andragogy Learning Theory

    4. Experiential Learning Theory

    5. Transformational Learning Theory

    6. Action Learning Theory

    7. Self-Directed Learning Theory

    8. Project-Based Learning Theory

    9. Behaviorism Learning Theory

    10. Adult Learning Theories: Check 1

  • Adult Learning Theories Part 2

    1. Resource: Adult Learning Theories Part 2

    2. Cognitivism Learning Theory

    3. Constructivism Learning Theory

    4. Social Learning Theory

    5. Humanism Learning Theory

    6. Connectivism Learning Theory

    7. Gagné's Conditions of Learning and Taxonomy

    8. ARCS Model of Motivation

    9. Adult Learning Theories: Check 2

    10. Tips for Applying Learning Theories

Bank On

  • Get Your Bank On 101

    1. Intro to Bank On

    2. The Unbanked Challenge

    3. The Unbanked Demographic

    4. Bank On as a Solution

    5. Bank On National Account Standards: Core Features 1

    6. Bank On National Account Standards: Core Features 2

    7. Bank On National Account Standards: Strongly Recommended Features

    8. Encouraging the Unbanked

Banking Basics

  • Banking 101

    1. Banking Regulations

    2. Different Ways to Bank

    3. Types of Bank Accounts

    4. Banking Vocabulary

  • Foundations of Banking

    1. How Banks Work

    2. The Different Kinds of Banks

    3. Bank Types Reviewed

    4. Banking Services

  • How Banks Make Money

    1. How Banks Make Money

    2. The Three Sources of Profit for Banks

    3. Interest Income

    4. Capital Markets Income

    5. Fee-Based Income

    6. The Future of Banks

Business Folks

  • Business Folks

    1. People in a Business

    2. People in a Business Review

    3. Parts of a Business

    4. Parts of a Business Review

    5. Groups Within a Business

  • Small Businesses

    1. Important Steps Entrepreneurs Take

    2. How Small Businesses Can Grow

    3. The Changing Relationship Between Small Businesses and Banks

  • Large Businesses

    1. Corporate Banking

    2. What Large Businesses Want from Banks

    3. Different Kinds of Businesses

Change Management

  • Change Management 101

    1. Intro to Change Management

    2. Success Factors

    3. Top Three Success Factors

    4. Choosing a Change Methodology

    5. Kotter's Three Change Phases

    6. Kotter's Eight-Step Process to Change

    7. Evaluating Effectiveness

Conflict Management

  • Conflict Management 101

    1. Intro to Conflict Management

    2. What is Conflict Management

    3. Common Workplace Conflicts

    4. Signs of Conflict

    5. Managing Conflict

  • Conflict Management 102

    1. Importance of Conflict Management

    2. Unmanaged Conflict 1

    3. Unmanaged Conflict 2

    4. The Employer's Role

    5. Tips for Managing Conflict

    6. Developing Strong Employee Relations

    7. Employer Strategies

    8. The Role of HR

  • Conflict Management 103

    1. Minimizing Conflict

    2. Written Rules, Policies, and Agreements

    3. Effective Management

    4. Careful Hiring

    5. Fair Grievance Processes

    6. Resolving Workplace Disputes

    7. 10 Steps for Resolving Conflict

  • Conflict Management 104

    1. Being Proactive

    2. Training for Managers

    3. Performance Management and Feedback

    4. Fair Termination Process

    5. Communication

    6. Metrics and Reporting

Course Templates - Banking

  • Online Banking Templates

    1. Introduction to Digital Banking

    2. Features of Online Banking

    3. Digital or In Person

    4. Registering for Online Banking

    5. Advantages of Online Banking

  • Online Payments and Transfers Templates

    1. Payments and Transfers Overview

    2. Sending External Transfers Online

    3. Zelle Transaction Limits

    4. Regulation D Limits

    5. Savings Account Transaction Limits

  • Mobile Banking Templates

    1. Convenience of Mobile Banking

    2. Online vs Mobile Services

    3. Mobile Registration

    4. Mobile Payments and Transfers

  • Mobile Deposit Templates

    1. Introduction to Mobile Deposit

    2. Restrictions and Eligibility

    3. Deposit Limits

    4. Mobile Deposit Facts

    5. Recommending Mobile Deposit

  • Digital Bill Payment Templates

    1. Bill Pay Facts and Features

    2. Bill Pay Rules and Restrictions

    3. All About Payees

    4. Scheduling Payments

Cryptocurrency **Q1 UPDATES**

  • Basics of Cryptocurrency **Q1 UPDATES**

    1. Introduction to Cryptocurrency

    2. Cryptocurrency Fundamentals

    3. Cryptocurrency 101

    4. Cryptocurrency 202

    5. Cryptocurrency 303

    6. Value and Security

  • Cryptocurrency Framework **Q1 UPDATES**

    1. Intro to Decentralized Systems

    2. Centralized vs Decentralized

    3. What is a Blockchain

    4. Understanding Blockchain

    5. Hashing the Chain

  • Upholding Cryptocurrency **Q1 UPDATES**

    1. Miners

    2. Consensus Mechanisms

    3. Forgers

    4. Proof of Work or Proof of Stake

Customer Service **Q1 NEW CONTENT**

Customer Service and Building Trust **NEW**

  • Serving Customers Overview

    1. Customer Service Basics

    2. The Importance of Customer Service

    3. Adding Value to Interactions

    4. Balancing Service and Sales

    5. Handing Frustrated Customers

    6. Finding Solutions with Concerned Customers

    7. Isabel's Issue

  • Building Customer Trust

    1. Teeing Off with Trust

    2. Two Types of Trust

    3. Banking on Trust - Current Issues

    4. Foundations of Trust

    5. Scenario with New Customer

    6. Building Upon Trust

    7. Scenario with Old Customer

  • Customer Service Scenario Templates **Q1 NEW**

    1. Template: Client Wants to Open an Account

    2. Template: Discussing Daily Transaction Limits

    3. Template: Client is Having Trouble Logging In to Their Online Account

    4. Template: Multi-Factor Authentication

    5. Template: Deposit Accounts

How to Talk to Customers **NEW**

  • Maintaining a Consistent Tone 101

    1. Why Maintaining A Consistent Tone Matters

    2. Resource: Tone and Language

    3. Thinking of Tone as a Spectrum

    4. Using Positive Language

    5. Resource: Conversation Considerations

    6. Brevity, Timeliness, and Using Your Customer's Name

    7. Talking Their Talk and Being Mindful with Jokes

    8. Mastery Test: Maintaining A Consistent Tone 101

  • Maintaining a Consistent Tone 102

    1. Resource: Creating a Guide, Reply Templates, and Additional Support Options

    2. Creating a Support Style Guide and Building a Template for Saved Replies

    3. Giving Directions Chronologically and Cross-Checking Whole Company Supply Reports

    4. Offering Further Help

    5. Resource: Specific Strategies for Effective Communication

    6. Show, Don't Tell, and Clarity, Clarity, Clarity

    7. Talking to Your Customers Like People

    8. Mastery Test: Maintaining A Consistent Tone 102

  • Mastering Difficult Conversations 101

    1. Introduction to Mastering Difficult Conversations

    2. Resource: Getting Personal with Customers

    3. Sincere Apologies, Not Lingering on Apologies, and Being Direct

    4. Admitting When You're in the Wrong

    5. Accepting Personal Knowledge Gaps and Customer Feedback

    6. Resource: Letting Customers Know You're an Accountable Advocate

    7. Accountability and Sandwiching Bad News

    8. Advocacy and Taking a Moment to Breathe

    9. Mastery Test: Mastering Difficult Conversations 101

  • Mastering Difficult Conversations 102

    1. Resource: Dialogue and Messaging Techniques

    2. Dialogue Techniques: Focusing On the Ends and Explaining What Happens Next

    3. Dialogue Techniques: Honesty and Making Your Customers Feel Heard

    4. Messaging Approaches: Offering Alternatives and Explaining the Reasoning Behind the Issue

    5. Messaging Approaches: Avoiding Mirroring Negativity, Transferring Quickly While Explaining Why, Not Dragging Out Lost Causes

    6. Concluding Strategies: Remaining Firm

    7. Concluding Strategies: Taking Responsibility and Setting Boundaries

    8. Mastery Test: Mastering Difficult Conversations 102

  • Delighting Customers

    1. Resource: Delighting Customers

    2. Asking Questions

    3. Boosting Customer Happiness

    4. Fixing Problems That Aren't Your Fault

    5. Building Relationships and Giving Thanks in the Real World

    6. Delighting Customers Wrap-Up

    7. Mastery Test: Delighting Customers

Real-World Situations

Death of a Spouse

  • Supporting Customers Whose Spouse Has Died

    1. Introduction to Supporting Customers Whose Spouse Has Died

    2. Your Role as a Bank Professional

    3. Checking Your Tone

    4. Practice Your Tone

    5. Providing Banking Information

    6. Providing Information for Private Organizations and Government Agencies

    7. Practice Providing General Information

Divorcing a Spouse

  • Customer Going Through a Divorce 101

    1. Introduction to Supporting Customers Through a Divorce

    2. When One Spouse Is the Primary Income Earner

    3. Managing Joint Accounts

    4. Dividing the Primary Residence and Other Assets

    5. Understanding Social Security Benefits

    6. Tax Implications

    7. Dividing Retirement Plans

  • Customer Going Through a Divorce 102

    1. Keeping Watch Over Credit

    2. Building A Support Team

    3. Updating Beneficiaries

    4. Divorce Final Checklist

    5. Gathering Important Documents

    6. Summarizing Advice for Divorcing Customers

Victim of Fraud

  • Victim of Fraud 101: Identity Theft

    1. What is Identity Fraud?

    2. Growing Trends in Identity Theft

    3. Employment-Related and Medical Identity Theft

    4. Benefit Fraud and Criminal Identity Theft

    5. Family Identity Theft

    6. Federal Identity Theft Laws

    7. Additional Federal Identity Theft Laws

    8. Federal Privacy Laws

  • Victim of Fraud 102: Types of Fraud

    1. Family Identity Fraud

    2. Phishing Attempts

    3. Amazon Fraud

    4. Home Equity Scams

    5. Family Emergency Scams

    6. Other Common Scams

  • Victim of Fraud 103: Victim Assistance

    1. Steps for Victims of Identity Fraud

    2. Placing Fraud Alerts on Credit Cards

    3. Closing Relevant Accounts Part 1

    4. Closing Relevant Accounts Part 2

    5. Reporting Fraud to the FTC

    6. Filling A Police Report

Student Banking

  • Banking With Students

    1. Student Banking Needs

    2. Student Banking Habits

    3. How Students Bank

    4. Financial Advice for Students

    5. Student FAQs

Cyber Security

  • Internet Safety

    1. The Do's and Don'ts of Internet Use

    2. Stop Fraud Before it Starts

    3. Staying Cyber Secure

    4. Types of Security Threats

    5. Common Security Threats Review

  • Phishing

    1. What is Phishing

    2. Types of Phishing

    3. Phishing Types Review

    4. The Red Flags of Phishing

    5. Protecting Yourself Against Phishing

  • Wire Transfer Fraud

    1. What is Wire-Transfer Fraud

    2. Examples of Wire-Transfer Fraud

    3. How to Protect Yourself Against Wire-Transfer Fraud

  • Phone Text Scams

    1. Phone Text Scams Overview

    2. The Safe Way to Text

    3. What to do to Prevent Phone Text Scams

  • Creating Strong Passwords

    1. The Importance of a Strong Password

    2. The Makings of a Strong Password

    3. Make this Password Strong

Digital Conversations **Q4 UPDATES**

  • Digital Conversations

    1. The Three Steps to Discussing Digital

    2. Know Your Audience

    3. Starting the Conversation

    4. Using Your Digital Toolbelt

    5. Tailoring Service

    6. Tracey's Transfers Time Saver

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

  • DEI Level 1: Intro to DEI

    1. What is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    2. Concepts to Know

    3. DEI Basics

    4. Identifying Personal Bias

    5. Key Terms

    6. Building a DEI Workplace

  • DEI Level 2

    1. Pronoun Etiquette

    2. Inclusive Language

    3. Practicing Inclusive Language

    4. Privilege

    5. Microaggressions

    6. Having Difficult Conversations 1

    7. Having Difficult Conversations 2

Financial Elder Abuse

  • Financial Elder Abuse

    1. Risk Factors and Transition Points

    2. Typical Abusers of Vulnerable Adults

    3. Warning Signs of Elder Abuse

    4. Indicators of Financial Abuse

    5. Typical Elder Abuse Scenarios

    6. Financial Decision Making

    7. Legal Principles

Financial Health and Wellness

  • Financial Wellness

    1. Introduction to Financial Wellness

    2. Financial Stress

    3. Basic Habits for Financial Wellness

    4. Promoting Financial Wellness

    5. Assessing Financial Health

    6. Improving Your Financial Health

    7. Debt Management and Responsible Borrowing

    8. Credit Reports

    9. Checking Your Credit Report

Financial Literacy **Q3 + Q4 NEW**

  • What is Financial Literacy

    1. Intro to Financial Literacy

    2. Key Concepts of Financial Literacy

    3. Promoting Financial Literacy

    4. Gaps in Financial Literacy

    5. Banking Basics

    6. Financial Literacy for Gen Z's **Q3 NEW**

  • Financial Literacy 101 **Q3 NEW**

    1. Income Basics

    2. Expenses Overview

    3. The Basics of Budgeting

    4. How to Build a Better Budget Part 1 **Q3 NEW**

    5. How to Build a Better Budget Part 2 **Q3 NEW**

    6. Saving Your Money

    7. Spending Trends

  • Financial Literacy 202

    1. Basics of Income Tax

    2. Other Taxes at a Glance

    3. Credit 101

    4. Credit Options: Ways to Borrow Money

    5. Using Credit Cards Wisely to Avoid a Credit Crunch **Q4 NEW**

    6. Mortgage Basics

    7. Managing Debt

    8. The Importance of Good Debt Management **Q3 NEW**

  • Financial Literacy 303

    1. Investing 101

    2. Retirement Planning Guide **Q4 NEW**

    3. Retirement Savings

    4. Preventing Financial Fraud

    5. Protect Yourself from Fraud **Q4 NEW**

    6. Insurance 101

    7. Major Types of Insurance

    8. Generational Protection and Estate Planning

Financial Sales

  • Simple Sales

    1. Simple Sales Step 1: Know Your Product

    2. Simple Sales Step 2: Know Your Customer

    3. Steps to a Simple Sale Recap

    4. Discovering Customer Needs

    5. General Tips

    6. Cross-Selling and Upselling

    7. Spotting Opportunities

    8. Summer Selling

  • Cross-Selling

    1. Intro to Cross-Selling

    2. Effective Cross-Selling

    3. Keeping the Conversation Going

    4. Cross-Selling to Segments 101

    5. Cross-Selling to Segments 202

    6. Cross-Selling to Segments 303

  • Mortgage Sales

    1. Mortgage Basics

    2. Terms of Mortgages

    3. Recommending the Right Mortgage

    4. Giving Approval

    5. Sales Tips for Mortgages

    6. Sell a Mortgage to Mr. Salzman

  • Your Guide to Overcoming Sales Resistance 101

    1. Intro to Sales Resistance

    2. Identifying Sales Resistance

    3. Building Trust Through the BANT Method

    4. The B in BANT

    5. The A in BANT

    6. The N in BANT

    7. The T in BANT

    8. Using the BANT Method

  • Your Guide to Overcoming Sales Resistance 102

    1. Common Mistakes Salespeople make

    2. Listen

    3. Repeating Back and Asking Them to Expand

    4. Validating the Concern

    5. Reframing the Concern

    6. Confirmation

Harassment and Workplace Violence **Q1 UPDATES**

  • Harassment 101 **Q1 UPDATES**

    1. What is Harassment

    2. Establishing Harassment

    3. Identifying Workplace Harassment

    4. A Poisonous Work Environment

    5. What to do When You've Been Harassed

  • Workplace Violence Prevention **Q1 UPDATES**

    1. Defining Workplace Violence

    2. Distinguishing Between Harassment Types

    3. Preventing Workplace Violence

    4. Responding to Workplace Violence

  • Workplace Violence Management **Q1 UPDATES**

    1. Building Safety into the Workplace

    2. Safety Designs and Practices

    3. Managing Workplace Violence

    4. Ruby's Report

  • Sexual Harassment **Q1 UPDATES**

    1. Defining Sexual Harassment

    2. Sexual Harassment 101

    3. What Sexual Harassment Looks Like

    4. Documenting Sexual Harassment

    5. Addressing Unwelcome Conduct

    6. Reporting Sexual Harassment

    7. Get a Lawyer or Leave It Alone

    8. Taking Care of Yourself

Identity Theft

  • Preventing Personal Identity Theft

    1. What is Identity Theft

    2. Methods of Identity Theft

    3. Sorting Out the Risks of Identity Theft

    4. Reducing the Risk of Identity Theft

    5. When Identity Theft Occurs

Interpersonal Skills **Q1 UPDATES**

  • How to Become a Better Communicator **Q1 UPDATED**

    1. Resource: 11 Communication Tips **NEW**

    2. Elevate Your Communication Abilities **NEW**

    3. The Basics of Active Learning

    4. Benefits of Active Listening

    5. Tips for Active Listening

    6. Active Listening on the Job

  • Interpersonal Skills **Q1 UPDATED**

    1. Why Focus on Interpersonal Skills

    2. Good Followers Make Good Leaders

    3. Managing Up

    4. Managing Sideways

    5. Managing Down

    6. Strengthening Your Emotional Intelligence

    7. Mastering the Art of Visual Storytelling

Management Skills **Q4 NEW CONTENT ADDED**

  • Supervising 101

    1. Becoming a Super Supervisor

    2. Lead by Example

    3. Set and Celebrate Goals

    4. Focus

    5. Channels for Communication

  • Critical Thinking Skills

    1. Critical Thinking Basics

    2. How Critical Thinking Benefits Management Decisions

    3. Developing Skills as a Manager

    4. Thinking Critically in Practice

  • Decision-Making Skills

    1. Unlocking Key Skills

    2. Decision-Making Types

    3. Setting Out the Process

    4. About the Decision-Making Process

    5. Dealing With Poor Decision Outcomes

  • Leadership Role

    1. Recognizing the Importance of Leadership

    2. Getting to Know Understanding

    3. Emotional Intelligence and Leadership

    4. A Higher Standard in Development

    5. A Two-Way Street

    6. Planning for the Future

  • Interviewing 101

    1. Sally Likes Rocks

    2. Obstacles

    3. Setting the Tone

    4. Who Should Be Involved

    5. Assessing Potential

    6. Cultural Fit

    7. Do's and Don'ts of Interviewing

    8. The Sales Pitch

    9. Interview Sally for Boulder Enterprises

  • Interviewing 202: Legal and Illegal Questions **Q4 NEW**

    1. Resource: Legal Do's and Don'ts

    2. Legal Do's and Don'ts

    3. Unlawful Inquiry Rundown

    4. Resource: Question Types

    5. Types of Questions

    6. Identifying Legal Questions

    7. Interview a Candidate

Mental Health and Wellness **Q4 UPDATES**

  • All About Mental Health **Q4 UPDATES**

    1. Mental Health and Associated Conditions

    2. Mental Health: Fact or Fiction

    3. The Importance of Mental Health

    4. Risk Factors for Mental Health Conditions

    5. Checking in on Your Mental Health

    6. Feelings of Depression and Anxiety

    7. The Mental-Physical Relationship

    8. Mental Health During COVID-19

  • Maintaining Mental Health **Q4 UPDATES**

    1. Tips for Protecting Mental Health

    2. The Effects of Stress

    3. Coping with Stress

    4. What is Mindfulness

    5. Practicing Mindfulness

    6. Seeking Support

    7. Supporting Others

  • Pandemic Health and Wellness **Q4 UPDATES**

    1. Mental Health in the Workplace

    2. Promoting Mental Health

    3. Taking Control of Stress

    4. Health Tips in Crisis

    5. Self-Isolating

Microsoft Outlook

  • Introduction to Microsoft Outlook

    1. What Microsoft Outlook Can Do

    2. You've Got Mail

    3. Your Friend the Search Bar

    4. You, Taskmaker

  • Microsoft Outlook: The Calendar

    1. What the Calendar Can Do

    2. After the Appointments Are Made

    3. Let the People Know

Negotiation Skills

  • Negotiation Skills 101

    1. Intro to Negotiation

    2. Positive and Negative Outcomes of Conflict

    3. Major Causes of Conflict

    4. Intro to the Five Modes of Responding to Conflict

    5. Recognizing the Five Modes

  • Negotiation Skills 102

    1. Rational Versus Emotional Negotiation

    2. Psychological Factors Affecting Negotiation

    3. Distributive Versus Integrative Bargaining

    4. Negotiating a Win-Win (Integrative) Deal

    5. Planning for a Negotiation 1

    6. Planning for a Negotiation 2

  • Negotiation Skills 103

    1. Separating People From the Problem

    2. Emphasizing Win-Wins

    3. Finding Underlying Interests

    4. Using an Objective Standard

    5. Understanding the Other Person and Knowing Your Best Alternative

  • Negotiation Skills 104

    1. The Flow of Negotiation

    2. Negotiation as a Sequence of Events

    3. Other Factors That Influence Negotiation

    4. Being an Active Listener

    5. The Tricks of Skilled Negotiators

    6. Using the Tricks of Skilled Negotiators

    7. Summary

Robbery Prevention

  • Robbery Prevention

    1. Introduction to Robbery Prevention

    2. Robbery Facts

    3. Robbery Safeguards to Keep in Mind

    4. Robbery Prevention

    5. Robbery Packet Reminders

    6. Summarizing Robbery Prevention

  • Robbery Preparedness

    1. Prepare Yourself for a Robbery

    2. What to do During an Active Robbery

    3. Navigate Your Way Through a Robbery

    4. Post-Robbery Actions and Expectations

    5. You've Just Been Robbed: Time to Take Control

Soft Skills

Please note that all soft skills content has been taken from other courses and will be found in our Content Exchange under those course names.

Active Listening

Found within the topic "Active Listening":

  • How to Listen

    1. What is Active Listening

    2. Levels of Listening

    3. Getting Over Selective Attention

    4. A Great Listener is Like a Trampoline

    5. Good Versus Poor Listening Skills

  • Methods to Improve Active Listening Skills

    1. Internal Dialogue

    2. Improving Memory

    3. Active Body Language

    4. Professional Listening

    5. Contextual Communication

Building Trust

Found within the topic "Customer Service":

  • Building Customer Trust

    1. Teeing Off with Trust

    2. Two Types of Trust

    3. Can You Bank on Trust

    4. Foundations of Trust

    5. Establishing Trust with a New Customer

    6. Building Upon Trust

    7. Developing Trust with Long-Time Customers


Found within the topic "Financial Sales":

  • Cross-Selling

    1. Intro to Cross-Selling

    2. Effective Cross-Selling

    3. Keeping the Conversation Going

    4. Cross-Selling to Segments 1

    5. Cross-Selling to Segments 2

    6. Cross-Selling to Segments 3

Customer Service

Found within the topic "Customer Service":

  • Serving Customers Overview

    1. Customer Service Basics

    2. The Importance of Customer Service

    3. Adding Value to Interactions

    4. Balancing Service and Sales

    5. Handling Frustrated Customers

    6. Finding Solutions with Concerned Customers

    7. Isabel's Issue

Interpersonal Skills

Found within the topic "Interpersonal Skills":

  • How to Become a Better Communicator

    1. Communication 101

    2. The Basics of Active Learning

    3. Benefits of Active Listening

    4. Tips for Active Listening

    5. Active Listening on the Job

  • Interpersonal Skills

    1. Why Focus on Interpersonal Skills

    2. Good Followers Make Good Leaders

    3. Managing Up

    4. Managing Sideways

    5. Managing Down

    6. Strengthening Your Emotional Intelligence

    7. Mastering the Art of Visual Storytelling

Management Skills

Found within the topic "Management Skills":

  • Supervising 101

    1. Becoming a Super Supervisor

    2. Lead by Example

    3. Set and Celebrate Goals

    4. Focus

    5. Channels for Communication

  • Critical Thinking Skills

    1. Critical Thinking Basics

    2. How Critical Thinking Benefits Management Decisions

    3. Developing Skills as a Manager

    4. Thinking Critically in Practice

  • Decision-Making Skills

    1. Unlocking Key Skills

    2. Decision-Making Types

    3. Setting Out the Process

    4. About the Decision-Making Process

    5. Dealing With Poor Decision Outcomes

  • Leadership Role

    1. Recognizing the Importance of Leadership

    2. Getting to Know Understanding

    3. Emotional Intelligence and Leadership

    4. A Higher Standard in Development

    5. A Two-Way Street

    6. Planning for the Future

Overcoming Sales Resistance

Found within the topic "Financial Sales":

  • Your Guide to Overcoming Sales Resistance 101

    1. Intro to Sales Resistance

    2. Identifying Sales Resistance

    3. Building Trust Through the BANT Method

    4. The B in BANT

    5. The A in BANT

    6. The N in BANT

    7. The T in BANT

    8. Using the BANT Method

  • Your Guide to Overcoming Sales Resistance 102

    1. Common Mistakes Salespeople make

    2. Listen

    3. Repeating Back and Asking Them to Expand

    4. Validating the Concern

    5. Reframing the Concern

    6. Confirmation

Stress Management

Found within the topic "Mental Health and Wellness":

  • Maintaining Mental Health

    1. Tips to Maintaining Mental Health

    2. The Effects of Stress

    3. Coping with Stress

    4. What's Mindfulness All About

    5. Practicing Mindfulness

    6. Seeking Support

    7. Supporting Others

Time Management

Found within the topic "Time Management":

  • An Introduction to Time Management

    1. An Introduction to Time Management

    2. Making Time for Time Management

    3. Keeping Things Managed

    4. The Stats

    5. The Virtual World and You

    6. Avoiding the Unavoidable: Distractions

  • Strategies and Tools for Time Management

    1. Strategies for Managing Time

    2. Helpful Tools

    3. Remember Reminders

    4. Monochronic vs Polychronic Work Cultures

Teleworking **Q4 UPDATED**

  • Working From Home **Q4 UPDATED**

    1. Getting Started

    2. Setting Up Your Workstation

    3. Boosting Productivity

    4. Employee Care at Home

    5. Office Culture

    6. Health and Safety 1

    7. Video Call Etiquette

    8. Health and Safety 2

    9. Virtual Collaboration: Part 1

    10. Virtual Collaboration: Part 2

Teller Training **Q2, Q3 NEW**

Under "Customer Service," you can find content on real-world situations (including the death of a spouse and a customer going through a divorce).

Teller's Training Manual "Volume 1" **Q2 NEW**

The following Teller Training content has been created with permission using client-provided assets.

Teller's Training Manual V.1 - Chapter 1

  • Teller Performance Standards

    1. Characteristics

    2. Attendance and Dress Code

    3. Confidentiality

    4. Employee Relations

    5. Telephones

  • Customer Service

    1. Greeting

    2. Concentration

    3. Efficiency and Accuracy

    4. Disputes

  • Service Standards and Organizational Skills

    1. Service Standards Overview

    2. Preventing and Reducing Interruptions

    3. Additional Teller Tasks

  • Software Programs

    1. Internet Access

    2. Intranet

    3. Email

    4. Our CRM

    5. Our Teller Software

    6. Our Account Reporting Software

    7. Financial Crime Risk Management

    8. Our Check Scanning Software

    9. Changing Your Passwords

  • Cross Selling and Referrals

    1. Cross-Selling Our Products

    2. Examples of Cross-Selling Opportunities

    3. The Referral Process

    4. Data Processing Team

  • Closing Procedures

    1. Closing Procedures Overview

    2. Closing Procedure Priorities

    3. Additional Policies to Review

Teller's Training Manual V.1 - Chapter 2

  • Security Procedures

    1. Security Overview

    2. Protective Measures

  • Frauds and Scams 101

    1. Frauds and Scams Counteractions

    2. Quick-Change Artist Procedures

    3. Kiting

    4. New Account Fraud

    5. Split Deposit Fraud

    6. Deposit Ticket Fraud

    7. Counter Check Fraud

  • Frauds and Scams 102

    1. Savings Withdrawal Fraud

    2. Dormant Account Fraud

    3. Found Money Swindles

    4. Lotteries and Sweepstakes Scams

    5. BSA Reporting Requirements

  • Identity Theft

    1. How Information is Stolen

    2. Pretext Calling and Categories of Information

    3. Red Flags

    4. Prevention

  • Counterfeit Checks and Forgeries

    1. Types of Counterfeit Checks

    2. Indications of Counterfeit

    3. Security Features of Government Checks

    4. Indications of Altered Checks

    5. Counterfeit and Altered IDs

    6. Recognizing a Possible Forger

    7. Comparing Signatures

  • Ownership of Accounts

    1. Ownership by Account Type

    2. Funds Availability Policy

  • How to Identify Customers

    1. Know Your Customer: ID Best Practices

    2. Identifying Customers Versus Non-Customers

    3. Processing Non-Customer ID

  • Transfers

    1. Account to Account Transfers

    2. Phone Transfers

    3. Automatic and ACH Transfers

  • Types of Balances and Closing Accounts

    1. Types of Balances

    2. Closing Checking Accounts

    3. Closing Savings Accounts

Teller's Training Manual V.1 - Chapter 3

  • Care and Handling of Money

    1. Intro: The Challenges of Handling Money

    2. Standard Package Sizes

    3. Verifying Packaged Currency

    4. Mutilated Currency

    5. Recognizing Counterfeit Currency

    6. Counterfeit Detection Plan

    7. Handling Coins

    8. How Coins Are Processed

  • Cash Drawer Balancing

    1. Intro to Cash Drawer Balancing

    2. Balancing Expectations

    3. Balancing Procedures

    4. Outages 101

    5. Outages 102

  • Transaction Policies

    1. Intro to Handling of Transactions

    2. Current Business Day Transactions

    3. Next Business Day Transactions

    4. Employee Transactions

    5. Transaction Limits

    6. Supervisor Override

    7. Transaction and Proof Procedures

    8. Memo Posting

Teller's Training Manual V.1 - Chapter 4

  • Handling Checks and Negotiable Instruments 101

    1. Defining Checks and Negotiable Instruments

    2. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition MICR

    3. Negotiable and Non-Negotiable Checks

    4. Negotiable vs. Non-Negotiable Checks

  • Handling Checks and Negotiable Instruments 102

    1. Types of Checks: Personal and Business

    2. Cashier's Checks, Voucher Checks, Government Checks

    3. Personal Money Orders and US Postal Orders

    4. Drafts

    5. Foreign Checks

    6. Certified Checks

    7. Spotting Different Check Types

  • Endorsements and Signatures

    1. Importance of Endorsements and Signatures

    2. Types of Endorsements

    3. Blank Endorsements

    4. Qualified Endorsements

    5. Conditional, Full or Special, and Restrictive Endorsements

    6. Waiver, Accommodation, Stamped and Encoded Endorsements

    7. Endorsements by Illiterates

    8. Credit to the Account Endorsement Stamp

    9. Facsimile Signature

  • Check Cashing Procedures

    1. Intro to Check Cashing Procedures and Special Notes

    2. Lost or Stolen Checkbooks

    3. Cashing Checks for Our Customers

    4. Cashing Cashier Checks

    5. Cashing Money Orders

    6. Handling Foreign Checks

  • Savings Withdrawals

    1. Procedures for Savings Withdrawals

    2. Accepting Deposits - General Policies and Procedures

    3. Personal Accounts

    4. Commercial Accounts

  • Accepting Deposits

    1. Straight Deposit

    2. Cash-In Deposit

    3. "Less-Cash" Deposit

    4. Accepting Saving Account Deposits and Direct Deposits

  • Accepting Loan Payments, Bank-by-Mail, and Issuing Cashier's Checks

    1. Intro to Accepting Loan Payments

    2. Bank-By-Mail

    3. Issuing Cashier's Checks

    4. Collecting Payments of Cashier's Checks

Teller's Training Manual V.1 - Chapter 5 **Q2 NEW**

  • Bookkeeping Calls

    1. Bookkeeping Calls

    2. Customer Inquiries

    3. The Do's and Don'ts of Verifying Funds

    4. Bookkeeping Calls Recap

  • Stop-Payment Orders

    1. Stop-Payment Orders

    2. Accepting a Stop Payment for a Check

    3. Accepting a Stop-Payment Order for an ACH or EFT Item

    4. Stop Payment Fees and Procedures for Handling a Stop-Payment Check

    5. Cancellation of a Stop-Payment Order

  • File Maintenance Forms, General Ledger Codes, and Issuing Negotiable Instruments

    1. File Maintenance Forms

    2. General Ledger Codes

    3. Issuing Money Orders

    4. Collecting the Payment of a Money Order

  • U.S. Savings Bonds

    1. Redeeming U.S. Savings Bonds

    2. Procedures for U.S. Savings Bonds Part 1

    3. Procedures for U.S. Savings Bonds Part 2

    4. Procedures for Cashing Bonds for Minor Children, Beneficiary (POD) Claims, Power of Attorney or Estate Claims, and Re-issue, or Replacing Lost, Destroyed or Stolen Savings Bonds

  • Wires and Cash Letters

    1. Wiring Instructions

    2. Outgoing Wires

    3. Incoming Wires

    4. Wiring Fees and Large Funds

    5. Incoming Cash Letters

    6. Outgoing Cash Letters

Teller's Training Manual V.1 - Chapter 6 **Q2 NEW**

  • Safe Deposit Boxes and Automated Teller Machines

    1. Overview of Safe Deposit Boxes

    2. Verifying and Storage of Entry Tickets

    3. Automated Teller Machines

    4. Point of Sales

  • Accepting Check Orders, Processing Mail, and Statement Preparation

    1. Accepting Check Orders

    2. Processing Incoming Mail

    3. Processing Outgoing Mail

    4. Postage Meter

    5. Statement Preparation

  • Certificates of Deposit and Night Depository Procedures

    1. Certificates of Deposit

    2. Redeeming a Certificate of Deposit

    3. Help a Customer Redeem a Certificate of Deposit

    4. Night Depository Procedures

  • Other Miscellaneous Teller Duties, and Banking Acronyms

    1. Miscellaneous Teller Duties

    2. Examples of Miscellaneous Teller Duties

    3. Banking Acronyms Part 1: Commonly Known Terms

    4. Banking Acronyms Part 2: Compliance and Groups

    5. Banking Acronyms Part 3: Products and General Banking Terminology

    6. Banking Acronyms Part 4: Technical Banking Terminology

Teller's Training Manual "Volume 2" **Q2 & Q3 NEW**

Teller's Training Manual V.2 - Chapter 1 **Q2 NEW**

  • Professional Maturity

    1. What is Professional Maturity

    2. Self-Awareness and Self-Evaluation

    3. Flexibility

    4. Time Management

    5. Courtesy and Kindness

    6. Professionalism Tips

  • Image, Behavior and Reputation

    1. Managing Your Image

    2. Professional Appearance Tips

    3. Emotions

    4. Managing Emotions

    5. Confidence

    6. Self-Confidence Tips

    7. Reputation and Trustworthiness

    8. Attitude

  • Communication

    1. Verbal Communication

    2. Apologies

    3. Appropriate Phrasing

    4. Non-Verbal Communication

    5. How People's Expressions Affect Others

    6. Body Language Tips

Teller's Training Manual V.2 - Chapter 2 **Q3 NEW**

  • Cash Handling

    1. Purpose of Procedures

    2. Cash Handling Policy

    3. Cash Deposits, Exposure and Storage

    4. Change Orders and Payout Limits

    5. Cash Drawer Best Practices

  • Organization

    1. Common Banking Items and Terms

    2. Keys, Teller Stamp, Combinations, and Dual Control

    3. Mail Deposits, Items for Proof and Signature Cards

    4. Dormant Accounts

    5. Accuracy and Attention to Detail

    6. Audit Checklist for Tellers

  • Vigilance 101

    1. Arriving and Leaving

    2. Fraudsters: The Short-Change Scam

    3. Vigilant Compliance: BSA and REG CC

    4. Bank Secrecy Act Checklist for Tellers

    5. REG CC Checklist for Tellers

  • Vigilance 102

    1. Bank Robbery

    2. Contributing Factors to Bank Robbery

    3. Bank Robbery Preparedness

    4. Spotting Suspicious Behavior

    5. In Case of a Robbery

    6. After a Robbery

Teller's Training Manual V.2 - Chapter 3 **Q3 NEW**

  • Verification Concerns

    1. Purpose of Dissecting Transactions

    2. Verification Concerns

    3. Verifying Cash and Checks

    4. Cash-Checking Guidelines

    5. On-Us Checks Vs. Not-On-Us Checks

  • Identification

    1. Importance of Identification

    2. Six-Point Identification Validity Test

    3. Acceptable Versus Non-Acceptable Forms of ID

    4. General Rules and Guidelines for ID

    5. Examining Identification

    6. Recording Identification

    7. Identity Doubts

  • Endorsements

    1. Introduction to Endorsements

    2. Types of Endorsements

    3. Identifying Different Endorsement Types

    4. Endorsement Guidelines Part 1

    5. Endorsement Guidelines Part 2

  • Check-Related Fraud

    1. Check-Related Fraud

    2. Forgeries and Stolen Checks

    3. Guarding Against Potential Check Fraud

    4. New Account Scams

    5. Valid Check Theft and Infrastructure Vulnerabilities

    6. Stay Alert - Don't Underestimate the Criminal

    7. Fraudulent Check Giveaways

    8. Protecting Against Check Kiting

    9. Identifying Check Kiting

    10. Taking Action Against Check Kiting

  • Less-Cash Deposits

    1. Verifying the Account Owner's Signature

    2. Avoiding Assumptions

    3. Presenter ID, For Deposit Only, and Altered Information

    4. Deposit Schemes: Less Cash Received

    5. Never Underestimate Criminals

    6. Confirming and Recording Suspicions and Trusting Your Instinct

Teller's Training Manual V.2 - Chapter 4 ** Q3 NEW**

  • Extraordinary Customer Service

    1. Providing Extraordinary Customer Service

    2. The Three Levels of Service

    3. What Your Customer Wants

    4. Techniques to Brighten a Customer’s Day

    5. Habits: Make It or Break It

    6. The Golden Rule

    7. Be a Work in Progress

  • Effective Communication

    1. Effective Communication

    2. Verbal Messages: What to Say Versus What to Avoid

    3. Non-Verbal Messages

    4. Matching Verbal Versus Non-Verbal Messages

    5. Effective Listening

    6. Knowing How to Say It

    7. Five Habits of Exceptional Tellers

Teller's Training Manual V.2 - Chapter 5 **Q3 NEW**

  • Attitudes to Ace the Sale

    1. Growing the Relationship

    2. Positive Attitude Benefits

    3. Who Benefits from Cross-Selling

    4. A Combined Effort

    5. Customer Retention

  • Product Knowledge

    1. Product Knowledge Proficiency

    2. Product Knowledge Tips

    3. Be Prepared

    4. Product Fact Sheet

  • Opportunities and Objections in Sales

    1. Spotting Opportunities in Sales

    2. Tips for Setting the Stage

    3. Continuing the Conversation

    4. Build a Rapport

    5. Objections

    6. Responding to Objections

    7. Solutions

    8. Tips for Tracking Results

Teller's Training Manual V.2 - Chapter 6 **Q3 NEW**

  • Cash Drawer Best Practices

    1. Best Practices for Balancing

    2. Managing Your Cash Drawer and Keeping It Neat

    3. Counting Your Drawer

    4. Strapped Money and Rolled Coins

    5. Staying Alert and Protecting Your Items

    6. Audit Checklist for Tellers

    7. Audit Checklist for Tellers: Categories

    8. Things You Must and Must Not Do

  • Outages and Disruptions

    1. Outages and Interruptions

    2. Outages

    3. Interruptions and Distractions

    4. "Best Practices to Minimize Losses due to Interruptions and


    5. Eliminating Transpositions

    6. Balancing Procedure Checklist

    7. Reviewing the Balancing Procedure Checklist

    8. Verifications to Make When Out of Balance

Time Management **Q1 UPDATES**

  • An Introduction to Time Management

    1. An Introduction to Time Management

    2. Making Time for Time Management **Q1 NEW**

    3. Keeping Things Managed

    4. The Stats

    5. The Virtual World and You

    6. Avoiding the Unavoidable: Distractions **Q1 NEW**

  • Strategies and Tools for Time Management

    1. Strategies for Managing Time

    2. Helpful Tools

    3. Remember Reminders

    4. Monochronic vs Polychronic Work Cultures

Treasury Operations and Management

  • Treasury Operations and Management

    1. What is Treasury Operations and Management

    2. What is Involved in Treasury Operations and Management

    3. Components of Treasury Operations and Management

    4. How Treasury Operations is Most Effectively Employed

Workplace Safety

  • Workplace Safety

    1. What is Workplace Safety

    2. Why is Workplace Safety Important

    3. Identifying Workplace Hazards

    4. Workstation Ergonomics

    5. Hygiene

    6. Psychological Health and Safety

  • Workplace Psychological Safety

    1. What is Psychological Safety

    2. Aspects of Psychological Safety

    3. A Psychologically Safe Team

    4. Safe or Unsafe

    5. Steps to Psychological Safety

    6. Impact of Psychological Safety

    7. Psychological Safety and Diversity

    8. Creating a Safe Environment

    9. How to Increase Psychological Safety

    10. Handling Mistakes

Compliance Training

Ensure your staff learns all they need to know about specific compliance topics with help from our ready-to-go courseware!

Compliance Essentials

Anti-Money Laundering **Q4 NEW**

Anti-Money Laundering

  • The Basics of Anti-Money Laundering

    1. Resource: What is AML?

    2. AML Defined

    3. AML Rules and Regulations

    4. Resource: Three Stages of Money Laundering

    5. Stage 1: Placement

    6. Stage 2: Layering

    7. Stage 3: Integration

    8. Mastery Test: AML

Bank Secrecy Act

  • The Bank Secrecy Act 101: Background, History, and FinCEN

    1. Resource: Background and History of the BSA

    2. Background of the BSA

    3. The BSA's History

    4. Resource: FinCEN

    5. FinCEN's Scope and Mission

    6. FinCEN's Duties

    7. FinCEN's Role as an FIU

    8. Mastery Test: Bank Secrecy Act 101

  • The Bank Secrecy Act 102: Reporting Requirements

    1. Resource: Currency Transaction Report

    2. The Ins and Outs of Currency Transaction Reporting

    3. Resource: Suspicious Activity Report

    4. The Ins and Outs of Suspicious Activity Reporting

    5. Resource: Foreign Bank Account Report

    6. FBAR: What Needs and Doesn't Need to Be Reported

    7. Resource: Other Reports

    8. Other Reporting Requirements

    9. Mastery Test: Bank Secrecy Act 102

Office of Foreign Assets Control

  • Office of Foreign Assets Control – OFAC

    1. Resource: OFAC

    2. Overview of OFAC

    3. Resource: Specially Designated Nationals (SDNs) and Responsibilities and Obligations

    4. Specially Designated Nationals (SDNs)

    5. Responsibilities and Obligations

    6. Resource: OFAC Authority and OFAC's Settlement with Standard Chartered Bank

    7. The Ins and Outs of OFAC's Authority

    8. OFAC's Settlement with Standard Chartered Bank

    9. Mastery Test: OFAC

  • Identifying Red Flags - OFAC

    1. Resource: Identifying Red Flags and Transactions

    2. Identifying Red Flags

    3. Red Flags: Transactions 1

    4. Red Flags: Transactions 2

    5. Resource: Other Transactions and Customer Accounts

    6. Red Flags: Other Transactions

    7. Red Flags: Customer Accounts

    8. Resource: Nature of Business, Origination of Funds, and Clients

    9. Red Flags: Nature of Business, Origination of Funds, and Clients

    10. Mastery Test: Identifying Red Flags

Financial Inclusion **Q4 NEW**

Fair Lending

  • Fair Lending Overview and Discrimination Definitions

    1. Resource: Fair Lending Overview

    2. Fair Lending Overview

    3. Resource: Fair Lending Discrimination Definitions

    4. Illegal Discrimination

    5. Overt Discrimination

    6. Disparate Illegal Discrimination

    7. Disparate Impact Discrimination

    8. Mastery Test: Fair Lending Overview and Discrimination Definitions

  • Predatory Lending and Redlining

    1. Resource: Predatory Lending and Redlining

    2. What is Predatory Lending

    3. How Predatory Lending Works

    4. What is Redlining

    5. How Redlining Works

    6. Mastery Test: Predatory Lending and Redlining

  • Establishing a Fair Lending Program

    1. Resource: Establishing a Fair Lending Program

    2. Factors Lenders May Consider

    3. Fair Lending Program Requirements

    4. Preventing the Occurrence of Fair Lending Violations

    5. Fair Lending Risk Factors

    6. Mastery Test: Establishing a Fair Lending Program

Privacy **Q4 NEW**

Gramm-Leach Bliley Act (GBLA) (Reg P)

  • GLBA, CCPA and Consumer Privacy

    1. Resource: GLBA, CCPA and Consumer Privacy

    2. Privacy Overview

    3. Key Privacy Regulations

    4. Historical Context of Privacy Regulations

    5. Implementing Privacy Best Practices

    6. Challenges in Privacy Management

    7. Mastery Test: Privacy: GLBA, CCPA and Consumer Privacy

Deposit Accounts, Payments and Operations **Q4 NEW**

Deposit Compliance

  • Deposit Compliance, Regulation D, and Regulation DD

    1. Resource: Overview of Regulations and Deposit Compliance Requirements

    2. Deposit Compliance Overview

    3. Overview of Relevant Regulations

    4. Resource: Regulation D

    5. Regulation D: Scope and Implementation

    6. Regulation D: Covered Deposits and Liabilities

    7. Regulation D: Reserve Requirements

    8. Resource: Regulation DD

    9. Regulation DD: Scope and Purpose

    10. Regulation DD: Truth in Savings Act (TISA)

    11. Mastery Test: Deposit Compliance Overview, Regulation D, and Regulation DD

  • Regulation CC: Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks Act

    1. Resource: Regulation CC: Availability of Funds

    2. Regulation CC: Scope and Purpose

    3. Regulation CC: Next-Day Availability Deposits

    4. Regulation CC: Requirements for Financial Institutions

    5. Resource: Collection of Checks

    6. Check 21

    7. Mastery Test: Regulation CC: Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks

  • Regulation E: Electronic Fund Transfers and Garnishment Rule

    1. Resource: Regulation E: Electronic Fund Transfers

    2. Regulation E: Scope and Purpose

    3. Regulation E: Covered EFT Types

    4. Resource: Garnishment Rule

    5. Garnishment Rule: Part 1

    6. Garnishment Rule: Part 2

    7. Mastery Test: Regulation E and Garnishment Rule

Compliance Management System **Q4 NEW**


  • Cybersecurity: Computer Security Basics

    1. Resource: Cybersecurity

    2. Cybersecurity Overview

    3. Key Cybersecurity Regulations

    4. The Evolution of Cybersecurity in Financial Institutions

    5. Implementing Cybersecurity Best Practices

    6. Challenges in Cybersecurity Management

    7. Cybersecurity Case Studies

    8. Mastery Test: Cybersecurity

US Regulators

  • US Regulators 101

    1. Resource: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions

    2. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

    3. National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions

    4. Resource: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority

    5. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

    6. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority

    7. Mastery Test: US Regulators 101

  • US Regulators 102

    1. Resource: Financial Crimes Enforcement Network and Securities and Exchange Commission

    2. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network

    3. Securities and Exchange Commission

    4. Commodity Futures Trading Commission and National Futures Association

    5. Commodity Futures Trading Commission

    6. National Futures Association

    7. Mastery Test: US Regulators 102

Ethics / Code of Conduct **Q4 NEW**

Code of Ethics

  • Code of Ethics

    1. Resource: Introduction and Core Principles

    2. Code of Ethics: Overview

    3. Core Principles of a Code of Ethics

    4. Resource: Importance, Regulations and Ethical Compliance, and Ethical Challenges

    5. Why A Code of Ethics is Important

    6. Regulations and Ethical Compliance

    7. Ethical Challenges

    8. Mastery Step: Code of Ethics

  • Conflicts of Interest

    1. Resource: Overview and Types of Conflicts of Interest

    2. Overview: Conflicts of Interest

    3. Types of Conflicts of Interest

    4. Resource: Regulatory Framework, Impacts, and Best Practices for Managing Conflicts of Interest

    5. Regulatory Framework for Managing Conflicts of Interest

    6. Impact of Conflicts of Interest on Financial Institutions

    7. Best Practices for Managing Conflicts of Interest

    8. Mastery Step: Conflicts of Interest

Compliance Extended

Anti-Money Laundering

Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR), and Currency Transaction Reporting (CTR)

Overview of Bank Secrecy Act. Covers currency transaction report (CTR) and suspicious activity report (SAR) requirements for financial institutions.

  • Introduction to the Bank Secrecy Act

    1. Resource: Bank Secrecy Act Overview

    2. Bank Secrecy Act Overview

    3. Resource: Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

    4. Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

    5. Resource: Risk Assessment

    6. Risk Assessment

    7. Resource: Compliance Program

    8. Compliance Program

    9. Mastery Test: Bank Secrecy Act Overview

  • Suspicious Activity Reporting 101

    1. Resource: Overview and When to File a SAR

    2. When to File a SAR

    3. BSA Expectations Regarding Marijuana-Related Businesses, and Structuring Transactions

    4. Resource: Civil Liability, Suspicious Activity Systems, Alerts, Identifying Unusual Activity and Underlying Crime, and Decision Making

    5. Safe Harbor from Civil Liability, Suspicious Activity Systems, and Managing Alerts

    6. Identification of Unusual Activity and Underlying Crime

    7. Decision Making

    8. Mastery Test: Suspicious Activity Reporting 101

  • Suspicious Activity Reporting 102

    1. Resource: Timing, Quality, Retention, Reporting, and Disclosures of SAR Filings

    2. Timing and Quality of a SAR

    3. SAR Filing on Continuing Activity

    4. Managing Notifications, Disclosures, Records, and Cyber-Reports

    5. Mastery Test: Suspicious Activity Reporting 102

  • Money Laundering and Suspicious Activity Reporting

    1. Resource: Money Laundering Red Flags Part 1

    2. Resource: Money Laundering Red Flags Part 2

    3. Types of Money Laundering Red Flags 101

    4. Types of Money Laundering Red Flags 102

    5. Resource: Other Unusual or Suspicious Customer Activity Red Flags

    6. Other Unusual or Suspicious Customer Activity Red Flags: Part 1

    7. Other Unusual or Suspicious Customer Activity Red Flags: Part 2

    8. Resource: Terrorist Financing Red Flags

    9. Terrorist Financing Red Flags

    10. Mastery Test: Money Laundering and Suspicious Activity Reporting

  • Red Flag Review 101

    1. Resource: FinCEN Alerts: ERC Fraud and Global Evasion of U.S. Export Controls

    2. Red Flags: COVID-19 Employee Retention Credit Fraud

    3. Red Flags: Global Evasion of U.S Export Controls

    4. Resource: FinCEN Alert: Virtual Currency Investment Scam Commonly Known as “Pig Butchering”

    5. Red Flags: Virtual Currency Investment Scam Part 1

    6. Red Flags: Virtual Currency Investment Scam Part 2

    7. Mastery Test: Red Flag Review 101

  • Red Flag Review 102

    1. Resource: FinCEN Alerts: U.S. Mail Theft-Related Check Fraud Schemes and

    2. Human Smuggling Along the Border

    3. Red Flags: Mail-Theft Related Check Fraud Schemes

    4. Red Flags: Human Smuggling

    5. Resource: Advisory on Elder Financial Exploitation

    6. Elder Financial Exploitation Overview

    7. Behavioral Red Flags of Elder Financial Exploitation

    8. Financial Red Flags of Elder Financial Exploitation

    9. Mastery Test: Red Flag Review 102

  • Currency Transaction Reporting 101

    1. Resource: Currency Transaction Reporting

    2. Currency Transaction Reporting Overview

    3. Identifying the Occupation, Profession, or Type of Business

    4. Resource: Structure and Aggregation of Transactions

    5. Aggregation of Currency Transactions

    6. Structured Transactions

    7. Mastery: Currency Transaction Reporting 101

  • Currency Transaction Reporting 102

    1. Resource: Transactions of Exempt Persons

    2. Phase I CTR Exemptions

    3. Phase II CTR Exemptions

    4. CTR Exemptions, Reviews, and Operating Rules

    5. Ineligibilities, Filing Failures, and Exemption Revocation

    6. Resource: Record Retention

    7. Examples of CTR Reporting

    8. Mastery: Currency Transaction Reporting 102

  • Information Sharing

    1. Resource: Information Sharing

    2. Mandatory Information Sharing

    3. Voluntary Information Sharing

    4. Mastery Test: Information Sharing

  • Recordkeeping, Retention, and Non-Compliance Penalties

    1. Resource: Recordkeeping for BSA

    2. Monetary Instruments Recordkeeping

    3. Funds Transfers Recordkeeping

    4. Resource: Record Retention for BSA

    5. Record Retention

    6. Resource: BSA Non-Compliance Penalties

    7. Penalties for Non-Compliance

    8. Mastery: Recordkeeping, Retention, and Non-Compliance Penalties

Customer Identification Program (CIP)

Covers the information required to be obtained and verified from customers at account opening.

  • Customer Identification Program Overview

    1. Resource: CIP's Purpose and History

    2. History of the CIP

    3. Written Customer Identification Program

    4. Resource: CIP Rules, Regulations, and Guidance

    5. Mastery Test: CIP Overview

  • Determining When Customer Identification Program Rules Apply

    1. Resource: Definition of "Customer"

    2. What is a "Customer"

    3. Types of Customers

    4. Resource: Definition of "Account"

    5. What is an "Account"

    6. Determining Whether Select Products and Services Apply

    7. Account and Customer Analysis

    8. Mastery Test" Definitions and Determinations

  • Identifying Information

    1. Resource: Required Identifying Information to Verify Customer

    2. Required Identifying Information: Customer

    3. Required Identifying Information: Business

    4. Mastery Test: Identification

  • Verifying Customers

    1. Resource: Verification Through Documents and Non-Documentary Methods

    2. Why Risk-Based Procedures are Critical

    3. Knowing the True Identity of the Customer

    4. Verification Using Documents

    5. Verification Through Non-Documentary Methods

    6. Additional Verification for Businesses and Trusts

    7. Procedures for a Lack of Verification

    8. Mastery Test: Verification Methods

  • Recordkeeping, Government Lists, and Notices

    1. Resource: Recordkeeping Requirements and Government Lists

    2. Recordkeeping and Retention Requirements

    3. Comparisons with Government Lists

    4. Resource: Customer Notice

    5. Customer Notice Overview

    6. Notice Requirements for Joint Owners and FI Agents

    7. Mastery Test: Recordkeeping, Lists, and Notices

  • CIP Additional Requirements

    1. Resource: Additional Requirements for CIP

    2. Relying on Another Financial Institution

    3. Exemptions

    4. Use of Third Parties

    5. Mastery Test: Reliance on FIs and Use of Third Parties

Customer Due Diligence (CDD) and the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA)

Covers the requirements to obtain and verify information of legal entity customers and their beneficial owners, and assess customer risk. Also covers new rules regarding legal entities reporting information to FinCEN, financial institution rules when accessing that information, etc.

  • The Customer Due Diligence Rule

    1. Resource: The Customer Due Diligence Rule

    2. When CDD Rule Exemptions Apply

    3. Resource: Legal Entity Customer

    4. Identifying Legal Entity Customers

    5. Reliability of Information Provided by the Legal Entity Customer

    6. Mastery Test: The Customer Due Diligence Rule

  • The Elements of Customer Due Diligence Part 1

    1. Resource: Elements of CDD and Element 1 - Customer Identification and Verification of Legal Entity Customer

    2. Elements of Customer Due Diligence

    3. Element 1: Customer Identification and Verification of Legal Entity Customer

    4. Resource: Element 2 - Beneficial Ownership

    5. Beneficial Owner Procedure Requirements

    6. Who is a Beneficial Owner

    7. Resource: Obtaining Information and Verifying Identity of Beneficial Owners

    8. Obtaining Information About Beneficial Owners

    9. Verifying the Identity of Beneficial Owners

    10. Additional Requirements Concerning Beneficial Owners

    11. Mastery Test: The Elements of Customer Due Diligence Part 1

  • Recordkeeping and the Elements of Customer Due Diligence Part 2

    1. Resource: Element 3 and 4 - Customer Risk Profiles, Enhanced Due Diligence, and Ongoing Monitoring of Customer Relationships

    2. Customer Risk Profiles

    3. Ongoing Monitoring of Customer Relationships **NEW STEP TYPE**

    4. Resource: Recordkeeping

    5. What Records Must Contain

    6. Mastery Test: Recordkeeping and the Elements of Customer Due Diligence Part 2

  • The Corporate Transparency Act

    1. Reference: Corporate Transparency Act

    2. Three Key Rulemakings to Implement the Corporate Transparency Act

    3. Reference: Reporting Rule

    4. Definitions and Reporting Rules

    5. Reference: Access Rule

    6. Access, Use, and Consent to Obtain Beneficial Ownership Information

    7. Re-Disclosure of BOI

    8. Security and Confidentiality Requirements

    9. CTA Violations and Penalties

    10. Mastery Test: The Corporate Transparency Act

Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)

Covers OFAC sanctions compliance.

  • The Office of Foreign Assets Control

    1. Resource: OFAC Overview

    2. Introduction to OFAC

    3. The History of OFAC

    4. Resource: OFAC Sanctions List

    5. Sanctions Lists Overview

    6. Mastery Test: OFAC Overview

  • FI Responsibilities 101: Scope and Compliance

    1. Resource: FI Responsibilities: Scope and Compliance

    2. Scope of the OFAC

    3. FI Compliance with OFAC **NEW STEP TYPE**

    4. Mastery Test: FI Scope and Responsibilities

  • FI Responsibilities 102: Requirements

    1. Resource: FI Responsibilities - Scanning OFAC Sanctions Lists

    2. Scanning OFAC Sanctions Lists

    3. New Accounts

    4. Existing Customers or Members

    5. Automated Clearing House Transactions

    6. Resource: FI Responsibilities - Positive and Potential Matches

    7. OFAC Information on Sanctions Reports

    8. Blocked Transactions

    9. Handling Accounts of Blocked Property

    10. Reports for Blocked Property

    11. Prohibited Transactions

    12. Mastery Test: FI Requirements

  • FI Responsibilities 103: OFAC Licenses

    1. Resource: OFAC Licenses

    2. OFAC Licenses Overview

    3. Mastery Test: OFAC Licenses

  • OFAC Sanctions Compliance Program

    1. Resource: OFAC Sanctions Compliance Program

    2. Management Commitment

    3. Risk Assessment

    4. OFAC Internal Controls

    5. Testing and Auditing

    6. OFAC Training

    7. Mastery Test: Sanctions Compliance Program

  • Recordkeeping and Non-Compliance Penalties

    1. Resource: Recordkeeping and Non-Compliance Penalties

    2. Recordkeeping Requirements

    3. Penalties for Non-Compliance

    4. Mastery Test: Recordkeeping and Non-Compliance

Financial Inclusion

Fair Housing Act (FHA)

Covers prohibited discrimination practices in all aspects of residential real-estate related transactions.

  • Overview and Protected Classes of the Fair Housing Act

    1. Resource: Fair Housing Act Overview

    2. Overview of the Fair Housing Act

    3. Resource: FHA Protected Classes, Limited English Proficiency, and Gender

    4. Fair Housing Protections to Persons with Limited English Proficiency

    5. Sex, Including Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation

    6. Resource: Domestic Violence Victims, Disability, and Familial Status

    7. Domestic Violence, Disability, and Familial Status

    8. Mastery: Overview and Protected Classes of the Fair Housing Act

  • Discrimination in Mortgage Lending

    1. Resource: Discrimination in Mortgage Lending

    2. Defining "Residential Real Estate-Related Transactions”

    3. Examples of Lending Discrimination

    4. Resource: Prohibited Discriminations in Mortgage Lending

    5. Prohibited Transactions in the Purchasing of Loans, Making of Loans, and in the Provision of Other Financial Assistance

    6. Resource: Discrimination in Terms and Conditions, and Unlawful Practices

    7. Discrimination in the Terms and Conditions for Making Available Loans or

    8. Other Financial Assistance

    9. Unlawful Practices in the Selling, Brokering, or Appraising of Residential Real Property

    10. Resource: Warning Signs of Discriminatory Practices and Voluntary Self-Testing

    11. Types of Discriminatory Practice Warning Signs

    12. Voluntary Self-Testing

    13. Mastery: Discrimination in Mortgage Lending

  • Discrimination in the Sale and Rental of Housing

    1. Resource: Discrimination in the Sale and Rental of Housing - Part 1

    2. Other Real Estate Owned Overview

    3. Prohibited Unlawful Real Estate Practices

    4. Prohibited Methods of Discrimination

    5. Resource: Discrimination in the Sale and Rental of Housing - Part 2

    6. Prohibited Engagement and Conduct

    7. Unlawful Steering Practices

    8. Discriminatory Notices, Statements and Advertisements

    9. Resource: Discrimination in the Sale and Rental of Housing - Part 3

    10. Prohibited Misrepresentation of Dwelling Availability

    11. Prohibited Engagement in Blockbusting Practices

    12. Prohibited Denial of Access, Membership or Participation

    13. Mastery: Discrimination in Mortgage Sales and Rentals

  • Interference, Coercion, Intimidation, Harassment, and Liability for Discriminatory Practices

    1. Resource: Interference, Coercion or Intimidation

    2. Interference, Coercion or Intimidation

    3. Resource: Harassment

    4. Harassment Overview

    5. Resource: Forms of Liability

    6. Forms of Liability

    7. Resource: Types of Lending Discrimination

    8. Types of Lending Discrimination

    9. Mastery: Interference, Coercion, Intimidation, and Harassment

  • Fair Housing Poster, Advertising, Reasonable Accommodations, and Enforcement

    1. Resource: Fair Housing Poster and Advertising Overview

    2. Fair Housing Poster

    3. Advertising Overview

    4. Resource: Use of Words, Phrases, Symbols and Visual Aids in Advertising

    5. Use of Words, Phrases, Symbols and Visual Aids in Advertising

    6. Resource: Selective Use of Advertising Media or Content, and Fair Housing Policy and Practices

    7. Selective Use of Advertising Media or Content

    8. Fair Housing Policy and Practices

    9. Resource: Reasonable Accommodations and Enforcement

    10. Reasonable Accommodations and Enforcement

    11. Mastery: Fair Housing Poster, Advertising, Reasonable Accommodations, and Enforcement

Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) (Reg B) **Q2 NEW**

Covers the discriminatory lending practices prohibited (application rules, evaluating applicants, extending credit, notifications, etc.

  • Overview of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act

    1. Resource: The Equal Credit Opportunity Act

    2. Purpose and History of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act

    3. Resource: Determining When ECOA and Reg B Apply

    4. Determining When ECOA and Reg B Apply

    5. Mastery: Overview of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act

  • Prohibitions Under the ECOA

    1. Resource: Prohibited Bases

    2. Prohibited Bases Under the ECOA

    3. Prohibited Bases Under the ECOA and Fair Housing Act

    4. Resource: General Rules Prohibiting Discrimination

    5. General Rule Prohibiting Discrimination in Credit Transactions

    6. General Rule Prohibiting Discouragement on a Prohibited Basis

    7. Mastery: Prohibitions Under the ECOA

  • Methods of Proving Lending Discrimination and Delivery of Disclosures

    1. Resource: Methods of Proving Lending Discrimination, and Form and

    2. Delivery of Disclosures

    3. Disparate Treatment

    4. Disparate Impact

    5. Form and Delivery of Disclosures

    6. Mastery: Methods of Proving Lending Discrimination and Delivery of Disclosures

  • Rules Concerning Requests for Information

    1. Resource: Rules Concerning Requests for Information

    2. General Rules and Limitation on Applicant Characteristics

    3. Information About a Spouse or Former Spouse

    4. Resource: Other Limitations on Information Requests

    5. Limitations on Marital Status

    6. Requests for Income Disclosure, Childrearing, and Permanent Residency and Immigration Status

    7. Mastery: Rules Concerning Requests for Information

  • Rules Concerning Evaluation of Applications

    1. Resource: Rules Concerning Evaluation of Applications

    2. General Rules, and Rules for Age and Receipt of Public Assistance

    3. Resource: Childbearing and Childrearing, Telephone Listing, and Income

    4. Rules for Childrearing, Telephone Listings, and Income Information

    5. Resource: Credit History, Immigration and Marital Status, Race and Other Characteristics, and State Property Laws

    6. Rules for Credit History Information

    7. Rules for Immigration Status, Marital Status, Other Characteristics, and State Property Laws

    8. Mastery: Rules Concerning Evaluation of Applications

  • Rules Concerning Extensions of Credit

    1. Resource: Rules Concerning Extensions of Credit

    2. Individual Accounts and Designation of Name

    3. Action Concerning Existing Open-End Accounts

    4. Resource: Signature of Spouse or Other Person

    5. Qualified Applicants

    6. Secured and Unsecured Credit

    7. Resource: Additional Parties, and Insurance

    8. Additional Parties

    9. Insurance Under ECOA

    10. Mastery: Rules Concerning Extensions and Credit

  • Special Purpose Credit Programs

    1. Resource: Special Purpose Credit Programs

    2. Overview of the Special Purpose Credit Programs

    3. Types of Credit Programs and Special Purpose Credit Programs

    4. Mastery: Special Purpose Credit Programs

  • Notifications and the ECOA

    1. Resource: Notification of Action Taken

    2. Notification of Action Taken

    3. Resource: Adverse Action Notices

    4. Defining Adverse Action

    5. Resource: What Creditors Must Provide Part 1

    6. Resource: What Creditors Must Provide Part 2

    7. What Creditors Must Provide When Adverse Action is Taken

    8. Resource: Applications, and Notification Requirements for Business Credit

    9. Incomplete, Third-Party, and Multiple Applications and Applicants

    10. Notification Requirements for Business Credit

    11. Mastery: Notifications and the ECOA

  • Furnishing of Credit Information and Record Retention

    1. Resource: Furnishing of Credit Information

    2. Furnishing of Credit Information

    3. Resource: Record Retention

    4. Record Retention in Applications

    5. Existing Accounts, Prescreened Solicitations, and Enforcement Proceedings and Investigations

    6. Business Credit Applications and Self-Tests

    7. Mastery: Furnishing of Credit Information and Record Retention

  • Information for Monitoring Purposes

    1. Resource: Information for Monitoring Purposes

    2. Information for Monitoring Purposes

    3. Determining When Information Collection is Required

    4. Requirements for Written Applications

    5. Mastery: Information for Monitoring Purposes

  • Rules on Providing Appraisals and Valuations

    1. Resource: Rules on Providing Appraisals and Valuations

    2. Rules on Providing Appraisals and Valuations

    3. Resource: Examples of the "Promptly Upon Completion" Standard

    4. Identify Whether the "Promptly Upon Completion" Standard Would Be Satisfied

    5. Resource: Disclosure, Reimbursement, and Appraisal Bias

    6. Disclosure and Reimbursement

    7. Appraisal Bias

    8. Mastery: Rules on Providing Appraisals and Valuations

  • Enforcement, Penalties and Liability, and Incentives for Self-Testing and Self-Correction

    1. Resource: Incentives for Self-Testing and Self-Correction

    2. Incentives for Self-Testing and Self-Correction

    3. Resource: Enforcement, Penalties and Liability

    4. Enforcement, Penalties and Liability

    5. Mastery: Enforcement, Penalties and Liability, and Incentives for Self-Testing and Self-Correction

  • Fair Lending Risks

    1. Resource: Fair Lending Risks

    2. Defining Pricing Exceptions

    3. Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program

    4. Resource: Social Security Disability Income, Redlining, and Provision of Language services to Limited English Proficient (LEP) Consumers

    5. Social Security Disability Income

    6. Redlining, and Provision of Language services to Limited English Proficient (LEP) Consumers

    7. Resource: Indirect Auto Dealer Markup

    8. Indirect Auto Dealer Markup

    9. Mastery: Fair Lending Risks

Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) (Reg C)

Covers financial institution requirements to report and publicly disclose loan-level information about mortgages.

  • HMDA Overview

    1. Resource: HMDA Overview

    2. HMDA Overview

    3. History of HMDA

    4. Purpose and Use of HMDA Data

    5. Mastery: HMDA Overview

  • Determining When HMDA and Regulation C Apply

    1. Resource: Institutional Coverage

    2. Depository and Nondepository Financial Institution

    3. Exempt Financial Institutions

    4. Resource: Transactional Coverage

    5. HMDA Covered Loans

    6. Extension of Credit

    7. Secured by a Lien on a Dwelling

    8. Determining Dwellings

    9. Resource: Excluded Transactions

    10. Excluded Transactions Part 1

    11. Excluded Transactions Part 2

    12. Mastery: Determining When HMDA and Regulation C Apply

  • Reportable Activity

    1. Resource: Reportable Activity and Applications

    2. HMDA Applications

    3. Resource: Originations and Purchases of Covered Loans, and Multiple

    4. Entity Transactions

    5. Originations and Purchases of Covered Loans

    6. Transactions Involving Multiple Entities

    7. Mastery: Reportable Activity

  • Data Points and the Recording and Reporting of Data

    1. Resource: Data Points

    2. Data Points Overview

    3. Resource: Recording and Reporting of Data

    4. Quarterly Recording and Annual Reporting of Data

    5. Quarterly Reporting of Data for Larger-Volume Reporters

    6. Mastery: Data Points, and the Recording and Reporting of Data

  • Disclosure and Notice Requirements, Data Availability, Admin Enforcement, and Compliance Management System

    1. Resource: Disclosure and Notice Requirements

    2. Disclosure Statement and Notice Posting Requirement

    3. Modified HMDA LAR

    4. Resource: Public Availability of Data, Admin Enforcement, and HMDA-Related Compliance Management System

    5. Public Availability and Administrative Enforcement

    6. Effective Board and Management Oversight for HMDA-Related Compliance Management System

    7. Effective Consumer Compliance Program for HMDA-Related Compliance Management System

    8. Mastery: Disclosure and Notice Requirements, Data Availability, Admin Enforcement, and Compliance Management System

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) **Q2 NEW**

Covers financial instiutution responsibilities for ensuring access to individuals with disabilities (e.g. websites, facilities).

  • Overview of the Americans with Disabilities Act

    1. Resource: Americans with Disabilities Act Overview

    2. Overview of the Americans with Disabilities Act

    3. Purpose of the ADA

    4. Mastery: Americans with Disabilities Act Overview

Part 1: ADA in Employment

  • Employment and the Definition of Disability

    1. Resource: Employment and Defining "Disability"

    2. Defining "Disability"

    3. Defining "Physical or Mental Impairment"

    4. Defining "Major Life Activities"

    5. Resource: Determining Impairment Limitations and Records

    6. Rules of Constriction When Determining Whether an Impairment Substantially Limits an Individual

    7. Determining Impairment Limits and Mitigating Measures

    8. Mastery: Employment and the Definition of Disability

  • Employment: Qualified Disability and Exceptions to the Term

    1. Resource: Qualified Individual with a Disability and Exceptions to Select Definitions

    2. Qualified Individual with a Disability

    3. Exceptions to the Definitions of “Disability” and “Qualified Individual with a Disability"

    4. Resources: Defining "Essential Functions" and "Reasonable Accommodation"

    5. Defining "Essential Functions"

    6. Defining "Reasonable Accommodation"

    7. Reasonable and Specific Accommodations

    8. Mastery: Employment: Qualified Disability and Exceptions to the Term

  • Employment and Prohibited Discrimination 101

    1. Resource: Prohibited Discrimination Scope and Limiting, Segregating, and Classifying Individuals

    2. Unlawful Discrimination Overview

    3. Resource: Arrangements, Standards and Criteria, and Relationships

    4. Arrangements, Standards and Criteria, and Relationships

    5. Resource: Not Making Reasonable Accommodation

    6. Not Making Reasonable Accommodation

    7. Resource: Defining "Undue Hardship"

    8. Defining "Undue Hardship"

    9. Mastery: Employment and Prohibited Discrimination 101

  • Employment and Prohibited Discrimination 102

    1. Resource: Qualification Standards, Other Selection Criteria, the Administration of Tests, Coercion, and Prohibited Medical Examinations and Inquiries

    2. Qualification Standards, Tests and Other Selection Criteria

    3. Administration of Tests, Coercion, Interference, and Intimidation

    4. Prohibited Medical Examinations and Inquiries

    5. Resource: Permitted Activities

    6. Permitted Inquiries and the Health Program

    7. Drug Regulations and Insurance

    8. Mastery: Employment and Prohibited Discrimination 102

Part 2: ADA for Public Accommodations and Website Accessibility

  • Public Accommodations Coverage and Defining Disability

    1. Resource: Public Accommodations Coverage

    2. Public Accommodations Coverage

    3. Defining Disability: Physical or Mental Impairment

    4. Identifying Physical and Mental Impairments

    5. Resource: Defining Disability

    6. Defining Disability: Actual Disability

    7. Resource: Defining Disability: Having a Record of or Regarded As Having an Impairment

    8. Defining Disability: Having a Record of or Regarded As Having an Impairment

    9. Mastery: Public Accommodations Coverage and Defining Disability

  • Requirements for Public Accommodations 101

    1. Resource: Denial of Participation, Benefits, Discrimination, Retaliation, and Maintenance

    2. Denial of Participation, Benefits, Discrimination, Retaliation, and Maintenance

    3. Resource: Direct Threats to Others, Smoking, and Insurance

    4. Direct Threats to Others, Smoking, and Insurance

    5. Resources: Specific Requirements for Safety, Unnecessary Inquiries, Surcharges, Reasonable Modifications, Service Animals, and Check-Out Aisles

    6. Specific Requirements for Safety, Unnecessary Inquiries, Surcharges, Reasonable Modifications, Service Animals, and Check-Out Aisles

    7. Mastery: Requirements for Public Accommodations 101

  • Requirements for Public Accommodations 102

    1. Resources: Accessible Goods, Personal Services and Devices, Auxiliary Aids for Effective Communication, and Sign Language Interpreters

    2. Accessible Goods, Personal Services and Devices, Auxiliary Aids for Effective Communication, and Sign Language Interpreters

    3. Resources: Examples of Auxiliary Aids and Services, TDDs, and Limitations and Alternatives

    4. Examples of Auxiliary Aids and Services

    5. TDDs and Limitations and Alternatives for Auxiliary Aids and Services

    6. Mastery: Requirements for Public Accommodations 102

  • Public Accommodations for the Removal of Barriers

    1. Resource: Removal of Barriers - Architectural and Communication

    2. List of 21 Modification Examples

    3. Architectural and Communication Barriers

    4. Resource: Removal of Barriers - Facilities

    5. Barriers and Facilities

    6. Recommended Priorities for Removing Barriers in Existing Facilities

    7. Mastery: Public Accommodations for the Removal of Barriers

  • Public Accommodations for New Construction, Alterations, and Accessibility Guidelines

    1. Resource: New Construction and Alterations

    2. New Construction

    3. Alteration Considerations

    4. Resource: The Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines

    5. ADA Accessibility Guidelines: Work Areas, Routes, Parking, Exterior Signage, Doors, and Entrances

    6. ADA Accessibility Guidelines: Areas of Rescue Assistance, Drinking Fountains, Bathrooms, Alarms, and ATMs

    7. ADA Accessibility Guidelines: Signage

    8. Mastery: Public Accommodations for New Construction, Alterations, and Accessibility Guidelines

  • Public Accommodations for Website Accessibility and Enforcement, and Miscellaneous Provisions

    1. Resource: Website Accessibility

    2. Importance of Website Accessibility

    3. Examples of Website Accessibility Barriers

    4. Resource: Standards for Website Accessibility and Enforcement

    5. Standards for Website Accessibility

    6. General Enforcement of Accessibility

    7. Resource: Miscellaneous Provisions

    8. Miscellaneous Provisions

    9. Mastery: Public Accommodations for Website Accessibility and Enforcement, and Miscellaneous Provisions

Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) **Q4 UPDATES**

  • The Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act

    1. Resource: The Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act **Q4 NEW**

    2. What is the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act

    3. Major Impact of the Amendments Act

    4. Changing Definitions of the ADAAA

    5. Who is Protected Under the Act

    6. Resource: The EEOC's Final Regulations Implementing the ADAAA **Q4 NEW**

    7. ADAAA Rules of Construction

    8. The Act and Small Businesses

Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) (Reg BB) **Q2 NEW**

Covers requirements for banks to serve specific communities with low and moderate incomes.

  • Overview and Coverage of the Community Reinvestment Act

    1. Resource: Community Reinvestment Act Overview

    2. Overview of the Community Reinvestment Act

    3. History of the Community Reinvestment Act

    4. Purpose of the Community Reinvestment Act

    5. Resource: Determining Coverage

    6. CRA Coverage

    7. Mastery: Community Reinvestment Act Overview and Coverage

  • Evaluation Framework of the Community Reinvestment Act 101

    1. Resource: Performance Tests

    2. Types of Tests

    3. Evaluating Responsiveness to Credit and Community Development Needs

    4. Determining "Innovativeness"

    5. Defining Community Development

    6. Mastery: Evaluation Framework of the Community Reinvestment Act 101

  • Evaluation Framework of the Community Reinvestment Act 102

    1. Resource: Performance Context and Safe and Sound Operations

    2. Performance Context

    3. Ensuring Safe and Sound Operations

    4. Resource: Low-Cost Education Loans to Low-Income Borrowers and Activities in Cooperation with Minority or Women-Owned Financial Institutions and Low-Income Credit Unions

    5. Low-Cost Education Loans to Low-Income Borrowers

    6. Activities in Cooperation with Minority- or Women-Owned Financial Institutions and Low-Income Credit Unions

    7. Mastery: Evaluation Framework of the Community Reinvestment Act 102

  • Performance Tests

    1. Resource: Lending Test

    2. Lending Tests Part 1

    3. Lending Tests Part 2

    4. Resource: Investment Test and Service Test

    5. Investment Test

    6. Service Test

    7. Resource: Community Development Test, Small Bank Performance Tests, and Strategic Plan

    8. Community Development Test

    9. Small Bank Performance Tests

    10. Strategic Plans

    11. Mastery: Evaluation Framework of the Community Reinvestment Act

  • Ratings and Assessment Area Delineation

    1. Resource: Ratings

    2. Assigned Ratings

    3. Effect of Evidence of Discriminatory or Other Illegal Credit Practices

    4. Effect of CRA Performance on Applications

    5. Resource: Assessment Area Delineation

    6. Geographic Area(s) for Wholesale or Limited Purpose Banks and Other Banks

    7. Adjustments to Geographic Area(s), Limitations on the Delineation of an Assessment Area, and Banks Serving Military Personnel

    8. Mastery: Ratings and Assessment Area Delineation

  • Record, Reporting, and Disclosure Requirements

    1. Resource: Record, Reporting, and Disclosure Requirements

    2. Data Collection, Reporting and Disclosure

    3. Loan Information Required to be Collected, Maintained, and Reported

    4. Optional Data Collection and Maintenance

    5. Resource: Additional Record, Reporting, and Disclosure Requirements

    6. Data on Affiliate Lending, Data on Lending by a Consortium or a Third Party, and Small Banks Electing Evaluation Under the Lending, Investment, and Service Tests

    7. Assessment Area Data, CRA Disclosure Statement, Aggregate Disclosure Statements, and Central Data Depositories

    8. Mastery: Record, Reporting, and Disclosure Requirements

  • Public File and Public Notice

    1. Resource: Public File and Public Notice

    2. Public File Part 1

    3. Public File Part 2

    4. Public File Part 3

    5. Public Notice

    6. Mastery: Public File and Public Notice

  • Prohibition Against Use of Interstate Branches Primarily for Deposit Production

    1. Resource: Overview, Coverage, and Definitions

    2. Overview of Prohibitions and Coverage

    3. Resource: Section 109 Compliance Test

    4. Section 109 Compliance Test: Step 1

    5. Section 109 Compliance Test: Step 2

    6. Resource: Sanctions

    7. CRA Sanctions

    8. Mastery: Prohibition Against Use of Interstate Branches Primarily for Deposit Production

  • Community Reinvestment Act Sunshine Regulations

    1. Resource: Overview of CRA Sunshine Provisions

    2. Overview of Provisions

    3. Resource: Covered Agreements

    4. Defining Covered Agreements

    5. Determining Non-Governmental Entities or Persons (NGEPs)

    6. Fulfillment of the CRA

    7. CRA Communications

    8. What CRA Agreements Don't Include

    9. Resource: Disclosure of Covered Agreements and Annual Reports

    10. Disclosure to the Public

    11. Disclosure to Appropriate Agencies

    12. CRA Annual Reports

    13. Mastery: Prohibition Against Use of Interstate Branches Primarily for Deposit Production

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) (Reg V) **Q4 UPDATES**

  • Everything Lenders Need to Know About the Fair Credit Reporting Act **Q4 UPDATES**

    1. Resource: Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act **Q4 NEW**

    2. Intro to FCRA

    3. Key Definitions

    4. Consumer Rights 1

    5. Consumer Rights 2

    6. Security Freezes

    7. Damages and Additional Rights

    8. General Examination Procedures

Privacy **Q4 UPDATES**

Right to Financial Privacy Act (RFPA) / Records Requests **Q4 UPDATES**

  • The Right to Financial Privacy Act: An Overview **Q4 UPDATES**

    1. Resource: The Right to Financial Privacy Act **Q4 NEW**

    2. The Right to Financial Privacy Act

    3. The Correct Procedure

    4. What's Wrong with this Request

    5. Resource: Provisions and State Law for the RFPA **Q4 NEW**

    6. Resource: Exceptions of the RFPA **Q4 NEW**

    7. When are Requests Exempt

    8. Is it Exempt

    9. Different States, Different Rules

  • Suspicious Activity Reports **Q4 UPDATES **

    1. Resource: Suspicious Activity Reports **Q4 NEW**

    2. What are Suspicious Activity Reports

    3. When to File a Suspicious Activity Report

    4. The SAR Filing Process

Gramm-Leach Bliley Act (GBLA) (Reg P) (Financial Privacy Rule; Safeguards Rule)

An Introduction to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

  1. Introduction to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

  2. Relevant Definitions in the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

  3. How the Act Impacts Credit Unions

  4. How Opting Out Impacts a Credit Union's Policies

  5. Some Exemptions to Opting Out

  6. What a Privacy Notice is and Why it's Important

Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act (CAN-SPAM Act) **Q4 UPDATES**


    1. Resource: The CAN-SPAM Act Overview **Q4 NEW**

    2. Intro to the Act

    3. Main Requirements

    4. Resource: CAN-SPAM Rules and Considerations **Q4 NEW**

    5. Defining the Act's Primary Purpose

    6. Who Does Compliance Affect

    7. Violations Outlined in the Act

    8. Rules for Explicit Content

Deposit Accounts, Payments and Operations **Q4 UPDATES**

Expedited Funds Availability Act (Reg CC) **Q4 UPDATES**

  • Regulation CC Compliance Guide 101 - Disclosing Your Availability Policy **Q4 UPDATES**

    1. Resource: Regulation CC Disclosures, Employee Training, and Notices Via Deposits **Q4 NEW**

    2. Introduction to Regulation CC

    3. Availability Policy

    4. Compliance Training

    5. Posting Your Policy Where Deposits are Made

    6. Printing Availability Notices on Deposit Slips

  • Regulation CC Compliance Guide 102 - Determining Funds Availability **Q4 UPDATES**

    1. Resource: Determining Funds Availability with Regulation CC **Q4 NEW**

    2. Intro to Determining Funds Availability

    3. General Guidelines

    4. Types of "Next-Day Availability" Deposits

    5. Exceptions

    6. When Must Funds Be Made Available Part 1

  • Regulation CC Compliance Guide 103 - Delaying Funds Availability **Q4 UPDATES**

    1. Resource: Delaying Funds Availability with Regulation CC **Q4 NEW**

    2. Intro to Delaying Funds Availability

    3. General Guidelines for Delaying Funds Availability

    4. Deposits Eligible for Hold 1

    5. Deposits Eligible for Hold 2

    6. When Must Funds Be Made Available Part 2

Automated Clearing House (ACH) **Q4 UPDATES**

  • The Automated Clearing House **Q4 UPDATES**

    1. Resource: The Automated Clearing House Overview **Q4 NEW**

    2. What is the Automated Clearing House

    3. Qualities of the Automated Clearing House

    4. The Automated Clearing House and International Transactions

    5. Payments and Transfers in the ACH

    6. The ACH Versus Wire Transfers

    7. Determining Whether the ACH Will Work for You

Compliance Management System **Q4 UPDATES**

Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-Sign Act) **Q4 UPDATES**

  • ESIGN Act 101 **Q4 UPDATES**

    1. Resource: Introduction and Major Provision Summary for the E-Sign Act **Q4 NEW**

    2. Intro to the Act

    3. What is the ESIGN Act

    4. Prior Consent, Notice of Availability of Paper Records

    5. Hardware and Software Requirements, Notice of Changes

    6. Record Retention

  • ESIGN Act 202 **Q4 UPDATES**

    1. Resource: Regulator Actions, Definitions, and Exams for the ESIGN Act **Q4 NEW**

    2. Sophomore's Guide to the Act

    3. Regulatory and Other Actions

    4. ESIGN Act: Key Terms Part 1

    5. ESIGN Act: Key Terms Part 2

    6. ESIGN Act Examination Procedures Part 1

    7. ESIGN Act Examination Procedures Part 2

Lending **Q4 UPDATES**

Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act (Credit CARD Act) **Q4 UPDATES**

  • The CARD Act of 2009 Part 1: Interest Rate Increases and Fees **Q4 UPDATES**

    1. Resource: Intro to the CARD Act of 2009 **Q4 NEW**

    2. Get CARD-IED Away With the CARD Act of 2009

    3. What is the CARD Act of 2009

    4. Limitations to Interest Rate Increases

    5. Notice of Interest Rate Increases

    6. Repayment of Outstanding Balances

    7. Limit on Fees and Penalties 101

    8. Limits on Fees and Penalties 202

  • The CARD Act of 2009 Part 2: Billing and Account Practices **Q4 UPDATES**

    1. Resource: The CARD Act - Billing and Account Practices **Q4 NEW**

    2. Intro to Billing and Account Practices

    3. Double Cycle Billing

    4. Ability to Pay

    5. A CARD Act 2009 Example: Payment Allocation

    6. Billing Statements 101

    7. Billing Statements 202

  • The CARD Act of 2009 Part 3: Consumer Protections **Q4 UPDATES**

    1. Resource: The CARD Act - Consumers, Credit Reports, and Cardholders **Q4 NEW**

    2. Intro to Consumer Protections

    3. Young Consumers

    4. Credit Reports

    5. Deceased Cardholder Accounts

Flood Disaster Protection Act **Q4 UPDATES**

  • An Introduction to the Flood Disaster Protection Act **Q4 UPDATES**

    1. Resource: The Flood Disaster Prevention Act - Overview and Eligibility **Q4 NEW**

    2. General Introduction to the Flood Disaster Protection Act

    3. The Act's Two Phases

    4. Who is Eligible

    5. Resource: FDPA and Lending Institutions **Q4 NEW**

    6. What Credit Unions Need to Know

Consumer Leasing (Reg B) **Q4 UPDATES**

Regulation B Overview **Q4 UPDATES**

  1. Resource: Regulation B Overview and Procedures **Q4 NEW**

  2. What is Regulation B

  3. Resource: Regulation B - Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity **Q4 NEW**

  4. How Regulation B Works

  5. What we Should be Looking For

  6. Application Scenarios: Good Versus Bad

Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing (SAFE) Act (Reg G) **Q4 UPDATES**

An Introduction to the SAFE Act **Q4 UPDATES

  1. Resource: The SAFE Act Overview **Q4 NEW**

  2. An Introduction to the SAFE Act

  3. Review of the SAFE Act

  4. Resource: The SAFE Act - MLOs and Other Laws **Q4 NEW**

  5. How to Register as an MLO Under the SAFE Act

  6. Employee, Credit Union, and Registry Duties

Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA 3/2019) **Q4 UPDATES**

An Introduction to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act **Q4 UPDATES**

  1. Resource: The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Overview **Q4 NEW**

  2. The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

  3. Some of the Protections the Act Provides

  4. Resource: SCRA Eligibilities and Risks **Q4 NEW**

  5. Who is Eligible for the SCRA

  6. Risks Associated with the SCRA

Financial Crime

Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions (FACT) (Act) (Identity Theft)

  • The Red Flags Rule

    1. Purpose of the Red Flags Rule

    2. Red Flag Categories

    3. Red Flag Category Examples

    4. Compliance and Covered Accounts

    5. Compliance Practices

    6. Compliance in Review

    7. Red Flags Rule Roundup

Ethics / Code of Conduct **Q4 UPDATES**

Bank Bribery Act (NCUA-IR-87-1) **Q4 UPDATES**

  • The Bank Bribery Act

    1. Resource: The Bank Bribery Act Overview **Q4 NEW**

    2. Introduction to the Bank Bribery Act

    3. What is Acceptable Under the Bank Bribery Act

    4. Resource: The Bank Bribery Act Code of Conduct, Exceptions, and Disclosure **Q4 NEW**

    5. Who is Impacted by the Bank Bribery Act, and How

    6. Exceptions to the Bank Bribery Act

    7. Acceptable Gifts Under the Bank Bribery Act

Bankrupcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCPA) **Q4 NEW**

  • Bankruptcy Law in the United States **Q4 NEW**

    1. Resource: Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act Overview

    2. A Short History

    3. Purpose of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act

    4. Personal Bankruptcy Chapters

    5. Enactment of the BAPCPA

Additional Compliance **Q4 UPDATES**

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act: Forbearance and Foreclosure Moratorium **Q4 UPDATES**

  • CARES Act: Forbearance and Foreclosure Moratorium **Q4 UPDATES**

    1. Resource: CARES Act Overview **Q4 NEW**

    2. What is the CARES Act

    3. Defining Federally-Backed Mortgages

    4. Forbearance Eligibility

    5. Forbearance Application and Response

    6. Forbearance on Multifamily Mortgage Loans and Renter Protection

    7. Foreclosure Moratorium Application and Response

    8. Provisions for Credit Unions

    9. Non-Federally Backed Mortgages


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