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Digital Academy On-Boarding Lesson 3

A look at some best practices regarding Digital Academy

Joël avatar
Written by Joël
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to your last on-boarding lesson! In this lesson we're going to be looking at some Digital Academy best practices.

Here are some of the topics for Lesson 3:

Tasks to Get Digital Academy Up and Running

Once you've completed your third on-boarding lesson, it's off to the races! Here are two sets of tasks to complete to get your functioning at full capacity and receiving the traffic you want, and filled with your content.

Ensure Digital Academy is Working Optimally

1. Identify How You'll Measure Success

Before you start thinking about creating content for your Digital Academy, consider how you'll measure the success of this initiative.

Here are some of the many ways you can measure the success of your DA.

2. Create a Marketing Strategy

Consider how you'll be using your Digital Academy. Will it just be a link on your website? Will your support staff be trained to use it in customer interactions?

See a list of some of the different ways to use Digital Academy so you and your customers can get the most from it!

Once you've decided how you'll be using it, create a marketing plan as to how you'll be driving people to your Academy.

Build Content for Your Digital Academy

1. Identify what you want to demonstrate

What do you want to teach your customers?

Create a few Categories you'll want to include on your Academy. Your Categories will be the central focuses of your content.

Think about your goals (why did you sign up for Digital Academy?). Was it to help support your customers with your digital products? Think about which products customers seem to need the most support with.

Have a look at how we suggest organizing your Digital Academy.

2. Create list of tutorials to be created

Look at the topics/Categories that you created in Task 1. Within each Category, write down a list of potential tutorials that will need to be created.

Your tutorials are the demos, simulators, and videos that make up your Digital Academy.

When planning content (especially demos), think of each tutorial as an answer to "How to ___". With this in mind, you should have a different tutorial for each different task.

Your list may look like:

  • Mobile Banking - Category

    • What is Mobile Deposit (video) - Tutorial

    • How to Deposit a Check from Mobile (demo)

  • Pay a Bill Online

    • How to Pay a Bill Online (demo)

    • How to Add a Payee Online (demo)

    • How to Edit a Payee Online (demo)

  • Pay a Bill on Mobile

    • How to Pay a Bill on Mobile (demo)

3. Establish a demo's flow

Once you've picked a task to teach using a demo, it's time to start drafting! To set yourself up for success, we highly recommend assembling all of the screens you'll be using in your demo first.

Once you have your screens, use our Demo Flow Guide Template to help organize everything before it goes into LemonadeLXP.

4. Build your demos!

Once you've assembled your screens, it's time to start building! If you ever need a refresher on how to do this, review material from On-Boarding Lesson 1.

Weekly Checkins

Congrats, you've finished all of the on-boarding lessons! But don't worry, we're not leaving you all together.

We'll have weekly checkins to see how you're progressing along! Come with any questions you might have, and we might come with some ideas of our own.

We'll be here for as many checkins as you need.

If you haven't scheduled your next checkin with our team, reach out and we'll get one booked!

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