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Digital Academy On-Boarding Lesson 2

Time to customize the look and feel of your Digital Academy

Joël avatar
Written by Joël
Updated over a week ago

Lesson 2 of 3! Now that you understand how to create content for your Digital Academy, now it's time to polish it up!

Here's what we'll be looking at in Lesson 2:

Tasks to Speed Up Your Launch

Speed up your time-to-market by starting to build your Digital Academy right away! Why wait? Here are a couple tasks to complete to help you customize the look and feel of your Digital Academy!

Customizing Your Digital Academy

1. Customize and Brand Your Academy

Customize your Digital Academy so it looks and feels like an extension of your brand. Change your page name, logos, theme.

2. Advanced Branding Configuration

If you wish, you can go beyond the basic configuration options within the Admin panel.

Have a look at our article on advanced branding configuration to learn more.

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