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Branding Your Instance Checklist

A resource page for all your branding needs

Joël avatar
Written by Joël
Updated over a week ago

Branding your instance will give learners a sense of continuity when playing. Nearly all aspects of LemonadeLXP's Booster Game are customizable to make it reflect your business' goals and culture.

Use this article as a checklist and resource hub when customizing your instance.

Before you start uploading new images to your instance, review our Booster Game Image Guide.


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1. Customize the basics to reflect your brand:

  • Company Name

  • Color Theme

  • Logo

2. Change the details to match your organization's values and goals:

  • Game Background Image

  • Business Building Images

  • Booster Store and Pillars

  • Game Terms ("bank", "clients", "points")

3. Customize your virtual tour guide.

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