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Stage 1 - Let's Get Started

A guide on how to get your instance up and running!

Joël avatar
Written by Joël
Updated over a week ago

First of all, congratulations! You’re about to take the first step in leveling up your training.

To start off, you’re going to need to get your instance up and running, identify what success looks like, and set up your onboarding sessions!

To help outline what needs to be done to achieve this, below you’ll find a checklist of tasks to complete, and resources to help! We’ve suggested an order, however, feel free to complete these at the beat of your own drum.

This initial setup can require a bit tech support, and you'll likely need to get your IT or developer teams on board! The tech-stuff is elaborated upon in the second half of this article.

Stage 1 Checklist

1. Set Up Your Instance:

d) Set up SSO (if applicable)

2. Identify how you’ll measure the success of:

3. Whitelist LemonadeLXP “agents” and check your Firewall

Ready for the next step?

Get on-board, now it's time to learn how to use your instance of LemonadeLXP!

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