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On-Boarding Lesson 3

A look at the third set of on-boarding challenges

Joël avatar
Written by Joël
Updated over a week ago

Lesson 3, already? Time to put on the after burners!! Let’s get sophisticated!

Time Required: 1 hour

Here's what you'll learn in the third on-boarding lesson:

Front End

(Learner's perspective)

  • Leaving comments

  • Checking comments

  • Rating a course

  • Colleagues

  • Leaderboard

  • My Profile


(How to make it work)

  • Triggers

  • Certifications

  • Skills

  • Content Exchange

  • Demo Academy (Intro)


Call them challenges, homework, practice, or whatever you want! These tasks will get you comfortable in the Admin role.

Basic Challenges

  • Create a hidden course, that is unlocked by completing another course.

  • Go respond to feedback.

  • Join a group the same way a learner would - no admin panel.

Intermediate Challenges

  • Create or install an introductory course for learners.

  • Install steps to create a course, without doing any writing.

  • Ensure that people complete a collection of courses, passing with a minimum grade.

Speed Up Your Launch

Speed up your "time-to-market" by starting to build your instance right away! Why wait? Here are a couple tasks to complete to help you get your instance populated with content and ready to go!

Tasks Outside LemonadeLXP

1. Draft a Curriculum

Now that you have some courses hashed out, try and see how they fit together. Create a learning path for your learners by organizing your content into one or multiple curriculum(s).

While creating it, consider adding the following:

Need some inspiration? Have a look at some of our curricula! Any content found in these can be downloaded from the Content Exchange. This helps you get up and running in no time!

Want more guidance? Check out our more detail articles on How to Create a Curriculum.

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