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End of Step Page

What happens when you've finished a step

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

With the exception of the Link Step and Human Step, each time you successfully complete a Step you'll get a congratulatory page!

Other data and visuals may appear depending on several factors, such as if it's a graded Step or if Skills are included.

No rewards

For Steps that don't include Happy Client rewards, you'll see a screen that looks like this:

These Steps are purely for learning and don't contribute to your Course grades or overall progress. Learning is its own reward, so give yourself a pat on the back for nailing these Steps - you earned it!

With Rewards

- Client and Level Progress -

End of Step Score Screen

This screen tells you:

End-of-Step Extras

- Choose Your Button -

At the end of every Step, you'll encounter a few available buttons. You can choose to Try Again, Continue, or Next Step/Finish!

Depending on what you choose:

  • "Try Again" will immediately replay the Step

  • "Continue"s action will vary depending on enabled/unlockable items

  • "Next Step" will immediately bring you into the next training game

  • "Finish" will take you back to the Course page

- Performance Chart -

End of Step Performance Chart

Compare how you did in previous attempts with today's new score!

If your administrator enabled it, this chart will appear after you select the "Continue" option on your "Client and Level Progress" summary page. Here you will see how much you've improved (or forgotten — whoops!) based on the day(s) you played the Step.

SELECT "Continue" to view any other items you may have unlocked, or "Next Step/Finish" to go back to the Step's page - there are no more graphs to see after this!

- Skill Points -

End of Step Skill Points Earned Bar

If Skills were included in the Step, you'll be awarded Skill points! One or more Skills can award points in a single Step, so you might see more than one listed here.

When you've earned enough to achieve the next level, you'll know it!:

End of Step Skill Level Increase with Title and Badge

- Unlockable Secrets -

If a secret Course or Certification was linked to the Step/Course you completed, you'll know! Select "Continue" to view all your perks including any potential Courses and Certifications you may have unlocked!

You've unlocked new courses screen

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