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Analyzing Your Analytics - Courses

A breakdown of Course analytics

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Learn all you need to know about Course-level grades and learner participation, complete with a breakdown of Step plays and details!

Head to /admin, then:


  • SELECT "Courses"

Menu bar Analytics/Courses highlighted

Use this data to observe how well Courses and Steps are being received, and adjust where needed!

Course Analytics

Course Analytics Stats Overview

To start:

  • SELECT language from drop-down menu

  • VIEW all Courses (just scroll down!)

  • USE SEARCH BAR to find specific Courses

A list of Courses, or the ones with your search term, will appear in a list. It summarizes its:

  • ID number (automatically issued with each Course creation)

  • title

  • Author (who created it)

  • last time it was updated

  • when it was first created

  • total number of Steps included

  • average learner grade achieved in Course

  • average learner starting grade for included Steps

  • total times included Steps have been played

To see more detail, SELECT the Course you want to view to open a new screen!

Course Analytics - In More Detail

More Stats for Course Analytics

Selecting a Course will show you more details about the Steps it contains. For each Step listed, you'll see:

  • title

  • type of training game

  • current star rating

  • last time it was updated

  • when it was created

  • how many times learners started it

  • number of times it was finished

  • minutes typically spent on it

  • total number of questions answered within it

  • average grade achieved

  • average starting grade

  • highest score achieved

Use these to assess:

  • if information needs to be updated

  • popularity of Steps

  • if difficulty levels need to be adjusted (high pass rate with few attempts = too easy; low pass rate with many attempts = too hard!)

Want to delve even further? SELECT the Step you want to see!

Course Analytics - Course Step Details

- Overview -

Course-Specific Stats

The icon for the Step type, as well as the Step's name, will appear at the top.

In addition to the average score achieved, Round Statistics summarizes the Step's total number of:

  • learners who've played it

  • times played

  • minutes learners have spent on it (on average)

  • questions answered

  • answers per learner (on average)

  • questions answered correctly

  • correct answers per learner (on average)

Use this data to assess if:

  • difficulty levels need to be adjusted (high number of correct answers with few study minutes = too easy; low number of correct answers with many study minutes = too hard!)

  • number of learners who've attempted it is adequate

  • average score is acceptable

- Question Statistics -

Question Stats Overview

Select one of the mapping UUIDs (universally unique identifier) from the drop-down menu. For played Steps, a list of its questions will appear.

This list summarizes:

  • the question's title

  • number of times it was answered

  • number of times it was answered correctly

  • how accurate answers typically are

A quick view will tell you:

  • how each question is being received by learners

  • whether questions are too easy or difficult (based on accuracy)

Related Tags: Course Analytics, Understanding Course Data

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