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Analyzing Your Analytics - Dashboard
Analyzing Your Analytics - Dashboard

A breakdown of dashboard's data

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Every time you log-in as an /admin, you'll automatically land on your homepage - the "ANALYTICS Dashboard!" We figured you'd want to see all that data often to keep tabs on everything going on in your LemonadeLXP.

Menu bar Analytics/Dashboard highlighted

This page lets you monitor trends for:

  • learner activity

  • Step success

  • knowledge gaps

Where to Begin

There's a lot of data to look at, we know, so let's start simple.

Examine your learners' overall activity and performance with the Analytics overview. By default, it will show stats for all existing Groups since the day your LemonadeLXP began.

All Groups and Time Period Options

Leave it as-is, or:

  • SELECT a specific Group from the drop-down menu

  • CHOOSE a date range to only see data from that time period

- Start with these charts -

Of all the charts, "Step Mastery" and "Baseline Knowledge" are the two you'll want to check the most, and for good reason! Once you learn how to interpret their data you'll see why - everything else is just icing on the cake!

Feel free to stop here for now and get familiar with these basics.

When you're ready for more, scroll down to see the rest of what Dashboard has to offer and use the graphs to spot every peak (high) and valley (low). 


- Overview -

Participation Analytics Numbers

What it shows:

  • number of learners who are registered but have yet to play

  • combined total of Courses completed by active learners

  • combined total of Steps completed by active learners

  • average amount of days each active learner spends on LemonadeLXP

How to use it:

  • GAUGE NUMBERS are acceptable when compared to your expectations

  • AIM FOR ZERO Registered Learners - this means everyone is playing LemonadeLXP!

- Learning Moments -

Learning Moments Line Graph

What it shows:

  • the number of questions (left) learners have answered each day (bottom)

How to use it:

  • CONFIRM LEARNERS ARE ANSWERING questions while logged in

  • VERIFY NUMBER OF QUESTIONS that are being read (and answered) by learners

  • COMPARE WITH "Learner Visits Per Day" to see if numbers make sense (e.g. high visits = lots of answered questions; low visits = few questions answered; low visits yet high questions answered = potential overachiever - consider throttling Step replays!)

- Learner Visits Per Day -

Learner Visits Per Day Line Graph

What it shows:

  • the number of individual learners (left) logging into LemonadeLXP each day (bottom)

How to use it:

  • CONFIRM NUMBER of individual active learners

  • COMPARE NUMBERS with total learners registered in your LemonadeLXP (if the numbers match, that means everyone logged in that day!)


  • COMPARE WITH "Learner Visits Per Day" (see entry above for details)

- Activity Heatmap -

Activity Heatmap Visual

What it shows:

Which days and hours your learners are typically learning!

  • ranges from no one (no colour) to lots of learners (darkest colour)

  • based off of number of weeks your LemonadeLXP has been active (the more weeks learners were active at 'x' day/time, the darker it is!)

How to use it:

  • SEE BEST TIMES to release new content

  • VERIFY LEARNERS ARE USING PLATFORM when they're supposed to

  • CONFIRM FREQUENCY your LemonadeLXP is being used


- Overview -

Engagement Analytics Numbers

What it shows:

  • total time learners have been learning while in LemonadeLXP

  • average minutes of learning per learner

How to use it:

  • ASSESS if time spent learning in LemonadeLXP is acceptable or needs to improve

- Engagement -

Engagement Line Graph

What it shows:

  • number of Steps (left) learners have played every day (bottom)

How to use it:

  • ASSESS if numbers are acceptable or if learners should be attempting more

  • when excessive number of Steps are played yet few unique learners are logged,  potential overachiever alert! (consider throttling Step replays!)

- Time Spent Learning, Per Day -

Time Spent Learning Per Day Line Graph

What it shows:  

  • minutes spent learning (left) per day (bottom)

How to use it:

  • SEE LEARNER ENGAGEMENT with available learning content

  • COMPARE WITH "Engagement" to see if numbers make sense (lots of Steps played = lots of minutes logged; few Steps played = few minutes logged)

  • IDENTIFY DIFFICULT STEPS (low Steps played yet high number of minutes logged)


- Overview -

Efficacy Steps Aced Number

What it shows:

  • collective number of Steps where learners have achieved a perfect score

How to use it:

  • CELEBRATE as this number grows - your learners are learning!

  • number should grow steadily so long as learning content is available

- Step Mastery -

Step Mastery Visual Bar Graph

What it shows:

  • how well learners are doing in their Steps

  • total learners (left) compared to each Step instance (bottom number)

  • e.g. if each new learner is assigned 10 Steps: 2 learners = 20 Steps on chart; 8 learners = 80 Steps on chart

How to use it:

  • GAUGE DIFFICULTY of learning materials

  • CONSIDER NEW CONTENT when most learners have become Experts

  • AIM FOR A MIX of blue and green to start, and whenever new content is added

- Baseline Knowledge -

Baseline Knowledge Bar Graph Stats

What it shows:

  • how well learners are progressing as a whole

  • learner grades (left) compared to percentage grade achieved (bottom)

How to use it:



  • AIM FOR GREEN to be the highest number!

- Learner Knowledge Distribution -

Learner Knowledge Distribution Comparative Line Graph

What it shows:

  • compares number of learners (left) with starting and current grades (bottom)

How to use it:



  • AIM FOR GREEN - the more it surpasses the grey, the better!

- Baseline Knowledge, Group Performance -

Baseline Knowledge Group Performance Comparative Bar Graphs

What it shows:

  • same data as Baseline Knowledge, compared with other Groups

How to use it:


  • CONSIDER what successful Groups have compared to less-successful Groups

Bonus Tips!

  • all times and dates are logged in UTC

  • mouse-over data to view more details (see the mini boxes in above graphs)

  • date range affects most, but not all, graphs

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