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Accessing Learner Feedback

Where to go and how to interpret learner's ratings

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

In the case that you've opted to allow learners to leave feedback for Steps, it's good to know how to interpret the feedback they give! While your goal may be to get perfect ratings all around, realistically some Steps will receive less-than-stellar feedback and need to be revisited at some point.

If you do get some negative stuff, don't fret! It's a great way to get an idea of how learners feel about your content, while giving you an opportunity to make it even better.

When you start getting those perfect feedbacks, or you already have some stellar ratings from the get-go, remember to give yourself a high-five  - you earned it!

Star Ratings

Star ratings are automatically updated in your Step library, so it's a good habit to check-in regularly and see how they're all doing.

To get there, go to:

  • /admin

  • "AUTHOR"

  • "Steps"

Menu bar Author/Steps highlighted

From here:

  • FIND the Step you want

Once you've found it, take a look at the card (It will look a bit like this):

True or False Step Card with Numbers and Star Rating

Those blue-filled stars represent the Step's current rating!

It's easy to quickly scan through Steps to see which ones are doing great (4-5 stars) and which could do with a review (1-3 stars)

If the stars are all empty with blue outlines, that means no one has rated it yet!

Five Blank Stars

- What to do with low star ratings -

Check if:

Step Comments

On the learner side of LemonadeLXP, each Step has a public comment box at the bottom of its own page. They are passive & public “chat” areas which encourage and allow general discussion among peers.

To find comments, view the Step's page as a learner and scroll to the bottom!

Step Comment Field with a Comment

Written Feedback

Getting written feedback takes the guesswork out of understanding what is, or isn't, working for a particular learner. 

To start, make sure that an email has been attached to each Course's Steps. This can be done when you create your Course, or anytime you wish to edit it.

You'll want to find the part that looks like this:

Course Step Summary with Business Owner Highlighted

The "Business Owner" is the email address that a Step's feedback will be sent to. If you leave it blank, no one will receive feedback, so make sure to designate a recipient whenever possible!

Note: Learners cannot leave feedback for a Step until they've completed it at least one time — this is to ensure they have actually experienced the Step (and this will help prevent "false feedback" from being submitted).

When written feedback is sent, the Business Owner will receive an email notifying them that feedback was left for a Step

To find all written feedback you've personally received, go to:

  • /admin


  • "Feedback"

Menu bar Learners/Feedback highlighted

From here, you can:

  • read learner's feedback

  • reply to learner

  • see entire conversation history

  • "Play" the Step

  • "Edit" the Step

- What to do with written feedback -

To best address learners with negative or constructive feedback, understand what the learner is saying and, if necessary:

  • ASK THE LEARNER questions for clarification

  • TEST the Step

  • EDIT the Step

Keep the conversation light and positive as you use their feedback to further improve your Steps and their LemonadeLXP experience.

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