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The Difference Between Triggers and Certifications
The Difference Between Triggers and Certifications

Understanding when to use what

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago


Triggers assign materials to learners when they reach one of several types of milestones.

With Triggers, you can:

  • hide specific Courses until the learner is ready for them

  • assign appropriate Certifications as they progress


Certifications can be assigned through Triggers.

They are used to:

  • specify a collection of Courses learners need to complete

  • have learners repeat certified Courses on a timely basis

Triggers and Certifications

To keep it simple:

  • use Certifications to group required themed Courses together

  • use Triggers to assign individual Courses, Courses required by Certifications, and Certifications

How Triggers Work

As there are several milestones, let's use "Learner completes specific courses" for this example.

- Without a Trigger -

A Group's learners will see and have access to all available Courses, regardless if they should or shouldn't play them. 

Hidden Courses will remain hidden. Once you link it to a Group, everyone within that Group can access it immediately.

Let's say you have a series of Courses on Construction. Each learner would see:

  • Construction Site Attire

  • Work Safety

  • How to Use a Chainsaw

Even if it's expected that a new learner starts with "Construction Site Attire" and "Work Safety," they could instead complete "How to Use a Chainsaw" first and ignore the rest.

- With a Trigger -

A new learner would only see appropriate Courses, and those they shouldn't have access to won't be seen. This can be used for many reasons, like hiding higher-level Courses or keeping bonus ones secret unless the learner completes certain milestones.

Going back to our Construction example, if you wanted learners to complete the first two before accessing the Chainsaw Course, they'd see:

  • Construction Site Attire

  • Work Safety

Once the learner completes the required Courses, previously hidden Courses will appear in their library:

  • Construction Site Attire

  • Work Safety

  • How to Use a Chainsaw

This is a great way to:

  • make sure learners are completing Courses in the right order

  • reveal appropriate-level Courses as a learner progresses

  • add to the fun by unlocking new "special" Courses

How Certifications Work

When you want learners to learn several things to be considered an "expert" at something, or have them learn key Courses first, set up Certifications!

Certifications are a way to:

  • group together Courses on the same subject

  • require minimum grade thresholds

  • confirm learners have learned all necessary Courses

  • schedule regular reviews of the learning content

- Assigning Certifications using Triggers -

Let's pretend you want learners to learn proper Food Handling:

  • CREATE several Courses that cover all aspects of the subject

  • CREATE a Certification that specifies all the Courses required

  • CREATE a Trigger that ASSIGNS the Certification and ASSIGNS associated Courses

When the Trigger's milestone is achieved, the learner will be assigned a Food Handling Certification! With its assignment, the Certification's Courses will automatically be assigned (and revealed, if hidden) to the learner.

- Renewing Certifications -

Want learners to stay up-to-date with their knowledge?

Have them periodically review Courses to keep their Certification valid - you decide how often that is!

If they don't re-do those Courses within the specified time frame:

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