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Updating a User's Profile

What to consider when changing information

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Your users are set up and able to complete your curriculum, but something's amiss!

Perhaps there's a spelling error in their email address, or someone recently submitted a name change. Whatever the case, their information needs to be updated.

But before you go ahead and do just that, there are some things to keep in mind!

Keep the user's current profile when possible

Each time a profile is created, that profile occupies their own unique seat in your LemonadeLXP. This also means all the user's achievements, such as grades and progress within the software, are tied to the seat they're in.

If you create a new seat with the user's updated information, all their data will be "lost" as the new seat will be treated as a new user! They will start "from scratch" as there is no way to transfer/merge a user's data between seats.

With this in mind, to keep the user's original progress, admins must remember to edit the user's profile information directly, rather than set up a new profile/seat!

When keeping the user's profile isn't possible

Should there be no way to keep the user's original profile, such as their leaving the company and then returning several months/years later, keep in mind that the newly-created profile/seat will be treated as a new user and none of their previous experience will be accounted for.

In cases like these, it may be a good idea to include a course specifically geared toward returning users, and assigned to a group for this purpose, that goes over this "reset" so users aren't confused about the "disappearance" of their progress.

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