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Working Around Contests and Unpublished Courses
Working Around Contests and Unpublished Courses

This guide outlines the steps to setting up a Contest with courses assigned by a trigger.

Gabriel Ang avatar
Written by Gabriel Ang
Updated over 5 months ago

Admins may encounter challenges when pairing a Contest with courses or certifications that are delivered via triggers, as these courses could remain in an unpublished state, thereby preventing learners from accessing the list of steps on their Contest page.

Before starting, admins should ensure skill points are assigned to the training steps they wish to feature in their upcoming Contest.

Step 1: Create a Contest-Specific Group

The first step is to set up a dedicated group for the Contest (e.g. Tellers Contest Oct 2024). This group serves as a temporary holding space for learners participating in the Contest. After the Contest is over, the group can be deleted to keep your list of groups organized and manageable.


  • If Single Sign-On (SSO) group matching is enabled, be sure to select the 'Do not remove hidden groups' option to prevent participants from being removed from the Contest group.

Step 2: Publish Relevant Courses to the Contest Group

After setting up the Contest group, the next step is to publish the necessary training courses to this group to make them visible to the learners we add later on.

Step 3: Create and Assign the Contest to the Group

Once the courses have been published, it's time to create the Contest itself. When setting up the Contest, target the group that you created specifically for this event. This step ensures that only the learners in this group will be involved in the Contest.

Step 4: Use the CSV Method to Assign Learners to the Contest Group

The final step in the setup process is to assign learners to the Contest group using the CSV method to import/update a large batch of learners. We save this step for last to avoid triggering email notifications to learners about new content before everything is fully prepared.

Once learners are assigned to the Contest group, they can access the Contest tab from their LemonadeLXP homepage. Here, they’ll be able to see the Contest tile and access information about the steps and maximum number of entries they can earn through successful completion of the courses.

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