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Creating Certifications

Assign and re-assign collected Courses with ease!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Group Courses together with Certifications and assign them with ease!

You can also check out our tutorial video to learn how to create your Certification!

Head to /admin and:

  • SELECT "Automate" in the main menu

  • SELECT "Certifications" in the submenu

  • SELECT the blue circle (upper right) with the "+" sign

Menu barn Automate/Certifications and "+" button highlighted

Set Your Certification Details

- Name -

  • appears in learner's profile page once assigned

  • should summarize the Courses you plan to include (e.g.: "Sales 101" for all sales-related Courses; "Financial Advisor - Beginner" for first FA Courses)

- Description -

  • more details on what the Certification entails

- Make this certification invisible -

  • when enabled, learners can be assigned Certifications that they won't see or be aware of

  • can be used by administrators to "invisibly" collect data and/or track learners' progress in their curriculum

SELECT "Step 2 - Timing and Renewal" (right-hand panel)


- Effective From -

  • specify a date the Certification officially "starts"

- Due Date for Non-Recurring Certifications -

  • specify a date the Certification must be completed by

- Grace period (days) -

  • if a Certification is issued after learners have already played included Steps and Courses, this will include any grade(s) achieved in those Steps/Courses up to "x" days before the Certification began

  • For example: Bob completes "Safety 101" Course. Five days later, a Certification is assigned to him that includes this Course. If there is a 0-day grace period, he'll have to complete it again for it to count toward his Certification. If a 5-day grace period is given, the best grade he achieved five days prior will count toward it.

Note: if you plan to include a grace period, decide on the timeframe before implementing your Certification! Once a Certification is enabled and learners are assigned to it, those learners will be exempt from future grace period changes.

- Renewal Required? -

  • leave blank for a one-time completion requirement

  • "yes" means they will have to replay Courses and Steps periodically

- Renewal Period -

  • choose how often it must be renewed/redone (every month; every three months; every six months; every year)

SELECT "Step 3 - Course Requirements" (right-hand panel)

Course Requirements

- Search and add requisite courses -

  • add Courses to the Certification here

- Course Requirements -

  • all Courses currently included will be listed here

  • remove the ones you don't want anymore

- Minimum Passing Grade -

  • choose a percentage grade learners must achieve in each Course's graded Steps to complete Certification

SELECT "Step 4 - Enrolment Requirements" (right-hand panel)

Enrollment Requirements

- Search and Add Targeted Groups -

To have the Certification available for any learner to trigger, or to solely add learners via their profile card, leave this field empty! If you instead wish to immediately assign the Certification (along with all Courses included in the Certification) to specific Group(s):

  • add Groups to the Certification here

- Groups Requiring This Certification -

  • all Groups currently assigned this Certification will be listed here

  • to remove Groups from the list, SELECT the "-" sign beside their names

"SAVE" to complete!

- Individual User Enrollment -

Learners can also/instead be individually enrolled in a Certification via their Profile Card. To do so:

  • FINISH creating the Certification

  • FIND AND EDIT the learner through the "Learners, Enrollment" page

  • OPEN "Certifications Enrollment" page

  • FIND Certification in the list (under "Certifications added individually")

  • ADD Certification by selecting the "+" sign beside it

  • SAVE the learner's profile card

Bonus Tips!

  • at least one Course with one graded Step must be included

  • individual learners can be enrolled through their profile cards

  • Course must be published for it to be included (no trigger Courses)

  • Groups must be part of all included Courses to be selectable (e.g. if you want "Group A" to be assigned the Certification and there are 4 Courses, "Group A" must already be assigned to all 4 Courses)

  • ensure the Certification is published — no one will see it if it isn't!

  • Certification will immediately appear in learners' profile panel once it's published/assigned

  • deleting/retiring a Certification won't remove it from a learner's profile if they've completed it

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