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Editing and Deleting Users

How to change details or permanently remove someone from the system

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Before you edit or remove a user, take a moment to consider how updating a profile can impact the user (and your reports!).

When something needs to be modified, or it’s time to say goodbye to a user, head to the /admin side and:

  • SELECT “LEARNERS” at the top of the page

  • SELECT “Enrollment” underneath 

Menu bar highlighting Learners/Enrollment option

A list of current users will pop up, complete with their names, emails, and linked Groups.

From here:

  • TYPE their name into the search bar

  • FIND the person you’re looking for

Users and Regular Admins

Both users and regular admins can be edited and/or removed in the same way.

Edit User

  • SELECT the pencil icon beside their name

  • EDIT as needed

  • "SAVE" when done!

Remove User

  • SELECT the trash icon beside their name

  • TYPE the user's name in the "Remove Learner" window

  • CONFIRM DELETION to finish the job

REMEMBER! Deleting a user will completely and permanently remove all learner information related to them, including Course history. Once they’re gone, there’s no going back!


SuperAdmins are treated a bit differently due to the nature of their role. Go here to view more details!

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