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What is a Category?

What Categories are all about

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago
Category Buttons for Intro, Mobile Banking and Online Banking

Instead of scrolling through pages of Courses hoping to find something related to what you're looking for, let the program do the work for you!

Whether it be "Gardening," "Customer Service," or "Just for Fun," Categories make searching for specific content that much easier. All you need to know is what theme or subject you want to focus on.

To take advantage of this:

  • GO to the Courses page

  • LOOK at the available Categories (top of page)

  • SELECT the one you want

  • Tadaa! The only Courses showing on the list are ones related to that Category!

Changed your mind?

  • remove the filter by SELECTING the Category again

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