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Course Page Details

What all that stuff on the Courses page means

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

You're ready to jump right in (how exciting!) but you're not sure how to use the main Course page. That's ok!  We've broken it all down so you'll be a pro in no time. 

Search for Courses

There are many ways for you to search for content!

Scroll through the page to see the newest stuff at the top, and the not-so-new (but still awesome) stuff down below.

You can also use this search bar (top of screen)...

Search Bar

...or SELECT the Category you want using the available boxes below the search bar. (Changed your mind? SELECT the Category again to remove the filter!)

Three Category Boxes: Intro, Mobile Banking and Online Banking

If you've already finished a few Courses, hide them from sight (or show them again) by SELECTING this option (top right):

Hide Completed Courses Toggle Switch Set to Off

Featured Course

If enabled by your administrator, this will be the first and most obvious Course you'll see on your page. It will typically be a Course that's recommended for you to play, and it may change once in a while, making it the best Course to start off with if you're not sure which to do!

Course Library

The rest of your Courses will load underneath. Keep scrolling until they've all loaded to see what's available to you!

They'll show themselves as either complete or incomplete, like so:

Two Courses, One Complete and One Incomplete

What does it all mean? Let's start from the (literal) top!

- % complete -

This shows how much of the Course you've already completed - 0% means you haven't started, and 100% means you're done! 

- Picture -

Sometimes you'll see a visual representation of what's in store - how fun! 

- Stars -

Some of the Courses may have stars - those represent the average rating that Course has received. But don't judge a Course by its cover, try it out and see for yourself!

- List icon -

Represents the number of Steps within a Course.

- People icon -

Shows the number of learners who've played at least one Step within that Course.

- All that text -

The main details about the Course!

It shows:

  • the Category of the Course (used in the Category search boxes!)

  • the title of the Course

  • a summary of what the Course is all about

- View Course -

When you're ready to play a specific Course, or want to see its Steps, SELECT "View Course" to see more.

- Green checkmark -

You've completed every Step within the Course, great job!! 

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