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How to Find Existing Content

Use our search functions to the max!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Need to find something in your LemonadeLXP? Use our search bars and search filters to quickly find your stuff!

Global Search Bar

Check out the top-right of the /admin screen anytime you want to use our Global search bar. It will find everything in the site that relates to your search term.

  • TYPE the name of what you're looking for in the global search bar

  • SELECT the arrow in the bar

  • CHOOSE the one you want to see

Results are categorized by type ("Groups," "Steps," "Courses," "Skills," and/or "Certifications"), making it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for. It'll look something like this:

Global search bar results showing Groups, Steps, Courses, Skills, and Certifications

- Find Steps with Specific Content -

In addition to titles, the Global search bar will also check each Step's contents, ensuring that you can find whatever it is you're looking for without any hassle!

1) Find Courses containing relevant Steps:

Results of search showing a Course

2) Edit Steps from Course's list:

Course's Step list

3) Find search term within the Steps themselves!:

Step question that contains search term

Section-Specific Search Bars 

Speed up your search and use section-specific search bars to find what you need.

Page-specific search bar


You get the idea!

Use Search Filters

Take advantage of our search filters, found at the top-left of just about every page (including the Learner Enrollment page)!

Filter menu options

Simply select "Filter" to open a sub-menu full of various filter options. Choose the filter(s) you want, then let LemonadeLXP do the rest! Choose "Reset" to remove all filter options and start fresh!

Sort Out Your Steps

As you create your content you may wish to reuse the same Steps in several Courses. Keep track of where they went with help from the "Find Courses" button in your chosen Step's Wizard!

Simply edit the Step you wish to check, then select "Find Courses" from the available options:

Step Wizard Find Courses button

This will bring you to the Course page, where the Step you're looking for will be pre-entered in the filter options and results will already be waiting for you!

Course page with Step filter enabled

Note that you can also go straight to the Course page and enter the Step name directly in the filter to get the same result!

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