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Starting Your Digital Academy

What you need to do to add and organize content and activate or deactivate your Academy!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

To set up your own Digital Academy, you must first create the step in LLXP or have some video files ready to upload. Once you do, it's time to get to it!

Choose the Content You Wish to Include

Non-Video Steps

Go through the steps you've already created in LLXP, and decide which one(s) you want non-registered learners to see and have access to.


Ensure you have the video files you want to include ready for direct upload to DA. (No LLXP video step creation required!)

To Start

As an admin:

  • SELECT "SETTINGS" from the top menu

  • SELECT "Digital Academy"

  • CHOOSE "Content Configuration" from the menu on the left

Menu bar Settings/Digital Academy and Content Configuration highlighted

From here, SELECT "DEMOS"

Create Your Academy Library

REPEAT as needed:

  • SELECT the square with a "+" sign

  • CHOOSE the step type you wish to add

  • FIND and upload a high-resolution image for its cover image

  • CHOOSE the image

  • ENTER a "Title" (max. 52 characters)

  • WRITE the cover image description (max. 512 characters)

  • ENTER a description of what the tutorial is about (max. 512 characters)

For Non-Video Steps:

  • CHOOSE the step you want to add via the drop-down menu

For Videos:

  • GO TO  "VIDEO FILE" tab

  • ADD a VTT subtitle file (optional - do this before adding video file!)

  • ADD your video (drag-and-drop to or select the large grey box)

When complete:

  • SAVE to finish

Sort Content by Categories

Once you've added the content you want to your Digital Academy, you can organize them by category!

Add a new category

  • SELECT "Add Category"

  • WRITE your category name

  • SAVE

Move content between existing categories

  • CLICK AND HOLD the mouse on the content you want to move

  • DRAG to the category you want it in

  • RELEASE MOUSE to place it

Learn more about best practices when organizing your content.

Link Similar Content Together

When certain DA content shares some characteristics but doesn't share a category (e.g., two focus on paying bills, but one is via Online Banking and the other via Mobile), you can instead have your Academy suggest relevant content once a particular tutorial has been completed.

  • SELECT "Edit" for the DA content you wish to add relevant content to


  • ADD similar content as appropriate (select the "+" beside your choices)

  • SAVE

Activate /Deactivate Your Academy

When you're ready to reveal your Academy to the world, or it's already revealed but you want to hide it for now, SELECT the ON/OFF toggle button in the left menu:

Digital Academy On/Off Switch

Include Additional Languages

Got another language setting for your instance? Make sure to change the language in the language drop-down box and configure your Digital Academy content accordingly!

Digital Academy language options

Share/Hide Your Academy from LLXP Learners

Once you've activated your DA, a new option will appear in the menu on your LemonadeLXP learners' homepage:

Homepage menu bar Academy highlighted

Other Things You Can Do

With that, your Digital Academy is ready to go! When it's "ON," anyone can find it using the link [yourlemonadeURL]/academy.

You can leave it as it is, or you can also customize your Academy by:

  • changing its colors

  • adding company links

  • including logos and subtexts

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