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Email Notifications

What kind of notifications are they anyway?

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over 6 months ago

LemonadeLXP can be configured to automatically send emails for key events within the platform. When enabled, all of the following notification email types will be sent whenever applicable.

Browse our collection of notification emails:


- User Self-Registration -

A thank you will be sent when a new user has completed their initial registration. This includes a link to activate their account — once they select the link to confirm their email, they're in!

"Thanks for registering! To protect your identity and our systems, you must verify your email to activate your account."

- Admin Single Registration -

When an administrator registers a single user via their admin panel, the new user will receive a notification that they've been registered.

"You’ve received this email, because you were registered to participate by an administrator."

Profile Modification

- Password Reset -

Did someone forgot their password? When a user needs to reset their password, an email will be sent along with a link to reset it.

"You received this email because the administrator has reset your password."

- Super Admin Demotion Request -

When an admin requests that a super admin be demoted, they will be notified that their request was received.

"You received this email because you requested to demote a super admin."


- New Feedback -

Each time a learner sends written feedback, the Business Owner of the Step will be notified!

"You’ve received this email, because you are registered as the business owner for the ‘%s’ step in course ‘%s’, and a user has left feedback for that step."

In addition, the learner will receive a thank you note for leaving feedback.

"You've received this email, because you created a feedback thread."

- Continued Conversation -

When an admin replies to a learner's feedback, the learner will be notified of their response. Likewise, when a learner continues the conversation, the admin will be notified. This ensures that no messages will be missed!

"You’ve received this email, because someone responded to your feedback on step ‘%s’ in course ‘%s’."

New Content

- Courses -

The first time you publish a Course from a draft state, all included Groups will receive an email.

Note that if you add a Group to a Course that's already published, that Group will not receive a "New Course!" notification email - technically it's not actually new!

Example of Email: New Course Release


An email notification will automatically be sent when a learner has been enrolled or has yet to start a standard Certification. Dynamic certifications do not currently send emails.

"You received this email because you’ve been enrolled in / have yet to start some certifications."

Digital Academy

Registered LLXP users will be notified when a fellow LLXP user shares DA content with them.

"You received this email because an employee of %s has shared content with you at your request. You have not been added to any mailing lists."

Downloadable Reports

If a report is requested, and its size exceeds what the system can generate in memory, an email-based approach is used.

"You received this email because someone from IP address %s requested an admin security code for %s at %s."

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