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Play Strategies

Take the scenic route or the fast track!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Happy Clients are your key to progress in this game: the more you have, the more points you earn per second. Not only that, when you reach certain Happy Client amounts, you'll Level Up your business!

There are two ways to earn Happy Clients - use them wisely to win! 

Complete Training Steps 

This is the fastest way to progress through the game because you can get Happy Clients without spending points on boosters.

With each Step you complete, you'll earn Happy Clients. The amount you'll earn depends on its difficulty - the harder it is, the more you'll get! Certain Steps will also award bonuses!

To get started:

  • play Step

  • repeat Step as often as you'd like, potentially earning more with each play

Buy Boosters

The slower way to go, but still just as effective!

Once you've accumulated enough points, you can buy boosters! These will help you Level Up in all kinds of ways.

To start:

Not going up fast enough?

  • complete more Steps to get more Happy Clients

  • buy boosters as they become available

  • consider getting certain boosters first to boost your play style

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